How would you feel if someone deleted your music library vol. 10k+

Nov 30, 2002
Thinking about it, I've had my music library since about 2005. My ex threaten to delete it a few times, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have access to acomputer if she would've followed through. My life would change, lol kinda strange, but its true.
in this order...

back in the day when i was growin my hair out, id have nightmares about people cutting my hair in my sleep.

my computer keeps tellin me i need to delete stuff cuz i got folders upon folders upon folders of music

i dont wanna delete anything
160GB iPod FTW. Cause it's regularly synced I could just use some software to transfer everything back to my MacBook. If somehow I lose my iPod and someoneerases all my music in the same day I'd be
Eh. Its time I redo it. Ive had this same collection for like 6 years or so about 84 gigs deep. Id be upset i guess but I know its time to start over
It would be a sad day. Unless you had to reformat & forgetting to back it all up,
then it'd be a good reason to start over.
Back it up on an external drive. Especially if you have that much its stupid not too. If any freak accidents happen to the computer or you have a problem whereyou have to reformat you'll know you have everything backed up.
Originally Posted by southzeztpdot

Eh. Its time I redo it. Ive had this same collection for like 6 years or so about 84 gigs deep. Id be upset i guess but I know its time to start over

how could you NOT be pissed? I'd kill somebody! I need my music, that way I won't kill somebody. Thats why I got a external HD with ALL my music backedup
You'd be more heated if the computer died.

If you're not going to get an external hard drive, there's a website where you can store up to a terabyte or something crazy like that.
This actually happened to me a couple months ago..
my motherboard fried and my hard drives were in raid thus making it harder to salvage..PC guy saved the music but its all chopped so its essentially gone.1,000s of songs and dozens of albums wiped out. Luckily I had some faves on CD and copied them back to my PC..

Not gonna lie, it nearly killed me cuz I live & die by music. But it gave me a chance to clean it up & only include what I actually listen to..
I would seriously punch them in the face if they're a guy and shake the !*%! out of them if they're a female. I'd be really pissed off.
That's asking to be murked. Nobody coming near my !%#$. I spent too much time perfecting it and consider it a valued treasure.
Originally Posted by YuraS718

Back it up on an external drive. Especially if you have that much its stupid not too. If any freak accidents happen to the computer or you have a problem where you have to reformat you'll know you have everything backed up.
I need to back everything up again. Haven't done so since I came home.
I've started over like 3 times, no big deal. Once a song pops up in my head I'll just download 'em. And most of the good songs are on good albumsso I'll download the whole album.
However, I only have about 1300 songs so I wouldn't care much.
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