How would you feel if? Vol: Daughter.....

Oct 20, 2012
Alrite NT fam, I'm on twitter and IG and I'm seeing some of the hottest chicks just post nudes and mad booty shots like it's nothing nahmean? And it got me thristy 
. But than I'm like damn don't these chicks got a father or a brother who could see this ish?

But let's say your the father of one these chicks that constantly post pics like that for the whole world to see? How would you feel?
I don't want a daughter 
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I would hope I would have done a good enough job instilling values & morals that my daughter would have more respect for herself than to do this but at the end of the day somebody youngin gotta sloot, it's just the reality.

Knowing me I'd want nothing to do with her honestly.
If I had a daughter and this happened I'd dead *** feel like a failure.
Raising a daughter or a son in this era is hard with all the technology that is easily accessible.

My daughter is straight up getting one of these.

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I know I'm not a guy but if I was a mother I would feel so disappointed. Like why does thousands of men liking your photo that you'd never meet give you so much gratification. I'm not going to lie when I was young and dumb I used to talk to guys on the internet and send them pics but when I got older I asked myself why, what does it matter if someone that I'd never met or wouldn't even respect me if I did met them matter. But then again I not only had a great family support system but also a great father who I knew it would break his heart as well as mine to see me like that. And I have respect for myself and want others to respect me as well. 
Nothing you can do to stop this, girls like attention

Every girl likes it when hundreds of dudes 'like' (Instagram) their photos . . . hopefully your genes are good enough to where she is pretty enough in the face where she will get hundreds of 'likes' off of pictures in her in turtlenecks

If you have ugly genes, don't reproduce homie
not srs
Nothing you can do to stop this, girls like attention​

Exactly, but the thing is Attention ore's does not equal a ore/smvt in real life. These girls validate themselves this way cuz guys like us see da provocative pics and the natural reaction is to thirs/beast thinking she'll be an easy one to knock down. Women don't compete for men, they compete against other women, it's a fact.

I see the broads on FB/IG etc. all the time, but 99% chance they are a typical girl IRL. if you are parent, just realize she/he is gonna grow up one day no matter what you do or say, so realize they have to be responsible for themselves.
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I have a daughter.

She will own the weakest possible old *** cell phone I can find. If I can cover at least THAT base I'll be semi fine.

I'm teaching her to respect herself. To me that's hilarious in itself.

Long story short I'm probably ******.
I don't want kids but if I had a kid I would want a girl. I just don't see myself fit to raise a man since I wasnt close to any real men growing up. Wouldn't call myself a real man either.

But with that said, I dont want any kids because of **** like this.

I saw a pic of my sis at a burlesque party on fb :smh:

But if I do have one then I am in it to the end. I will do what I did with one my sisters. Teach her all the tricks men use to get laid and show them how men respect real women in comparison to sluts. That and I will instill values in her and be there for her.

If she is still a **** after that, then at least I tried my best
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a boy or an abortion

not srs

semi srs

but yeah if i had a girl shes gonna a nerdy *** tom boy

guys dont like dem nerdy *** tom boys

id have 1 computer in my room and prob throw her a flip phone
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I'm almost crying thinking about the future. :smh:

EDIT: I support nudism and sexuality and I will raise my children with the correct awareness. The above statement was made in thinking I could be the faysboo dad with the 12 or 13 y/o daughter cheating on her bf with grown men and naked pics all over faysboo, because it does happen.
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I have a 1 year old daughter and this was my biggest fear at one point but not anymore...I'm going to raise her right and teach her to how she's suppose to be treated...provide her with all her needs and how to be self sufficient...if for some reason she still go down the wrong route I will not let that **** affect me and that will be her own grown decision

But odds are for fathers that are actually in their daughters lives...majority of these girls be fatherless
raise her right and this shouldn't be an issue.....

Regardless of how you do raise her though, you have to realize some dude, whether you like him or not, is going to be pounding them guts away if you ever want a grandchild....
With the best of my ability I will try to be the best role model for my children and raise them the right way, but you still never know. You cant be too strict either because they'll eventually do things behind your back. By the looks of it things are only getting worse. When I was a kid I was too scared to do anything. Not saying I was an angel but some of these girls are too much.
You can do all you can do as a father/parent to steer your children in the right direction. At the end of the day if you know you did everything you could do to keep them on the straight and narrow, and he/she still takes the other path then that is their choice. I have a 6 year old son and I am done, I actually wanted a daughter before he was born, but I'm so glad I don't have one.

None of us are perfect, we've all done things contrary to what our parents would have wanted. Somethings they will never know, but for the most part we turned out ok. If a person can't learn from their mistakes then their is absolutely no hope for them.
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If she making loot then cool.

If my daughter wants to flaunt her stuff after she's 21 and leaves my household then cool.

I just want it to be her decision, I don't want no FOOL influencing her to do stupid crap. Then I'd have to eliminate that problem.

Im just keeping it real, ya'll can try to stop them all ya'll want but it aint gonna work. So you might as well support them an make sure there cashing from it.

I wouldn't condone it but I wouldn't tell her she can't do it either. If my daughter was 21 in school, no kids, no drugs, working and living right, her showing her stuff wouldn't be a bother to me. 

I know I would raise my child right so this probably would be the least of my worries.

Im glad I have a
Disgust. Before that happens though I'll be raising my daughter with self worth so she knows better than to do that
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