How ya females/males feel about your mate talking to their ex?

They live two houses down, he has a child with her. She's cool for an earth muffin, haven't met her boyfriend but he sounds nice. That's the onlyex he talks to as he doesn't have much of a choice
they're civil but not friends like some exes are. I don't talk to any of mine, they can allgo to hell for all I care.
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

I personally feel that the person should cut all ties with their most recent ex, unless theres a child involved. Like what is there to even talk about with your recent ex?

The older I get the more I believe that whatever I dont know wont hurt me.
All I ask is that shorty makes damned sure I dont find out. Just give me that courtesy.
Originally Posted by MECKS

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

I can never come to a conclusion about this.
i just dont like if theres any physical contact. talking on the phone FOR A FEW MINUTES or a FEW texts are fine. but.... no hand shakes, hugs, dap giving, any other kind of giving or recieving. nothing that involves hands, fingers, feet, legs, or any spreading of the aforementioned body parts..

other than that its coo i guess.

You underestimate the power of words.
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

I personally feel that the person should cut all ties with their most recent ex, unless theres a child involved. Like what is there to even talk about with your recent ex?

The older I get the more I believe that whatever I dont know wont hurt me.
All I ask is that shorty makes damned sure I dont find out. Just give me that courtesy.

I laughed but deep down i agree. =/
My ex keeps calling me from time to time and she has a kid with the dude shes with now. I ignored her last call and I've been debating whether to just keepon ignoring them. When we did talk it was about nothing. The one time I went to her house after she had the kid her boyfriend pulled up and she aint evenintroduce me to him. After that, I could only imagine how dude feels about us talking on top of me seeing no reason for us to stay in contact.

What makes it all weird is that we didn't break up on bad terms. I just wanted to focus on school and work and she understood that. I tried just being afriend but I feel like I'm doing it because I dont hate her and not because I like her. Feel me?
i can't be friends with an ex. i have had the worst luck with all of them & don't even think it's possible to just keep it platonic.
they always want to reminisce & try to get to the bottom of why "we didn't work out" @ the most inopportune of times. quite frankly, it'sannoying. i just don't have the heart to tell them to lay off the !%$%.
i'm a jealous person, so no i'm not cool with my current to be onspeaking terms with an ex. womenz have underlying meanings & cannot be trusted!
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

I personally feel that the person should cut all ties with their most recent ex, unless theres a child involved. Like what is there to even talk about with your recent ex?

C/s 100%.

I don't like that %%#+ at all. Was the reason me and my bf broke it off.
Not cool with it at all. I am possessive (not obsessively possessive). I get jealous and if I don't like something, I won't play it cool and act likeit doesn't bother me.

I don't want my woman continuing a relationship with their ex. I don't believe in keeping in touch. ESPECIALLY when you have someone new in your life.Move on. I don't believe in people REMAINING FRIENDS with folks they have sexual histories with IF they are currently involved with someone. Just ASKINGfor a troubled situation.
it's one of those things I've learned to deal with.. unless the situation is over the top like they still in love or something then its a no or goodbyefor me.
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

I personally feel that the person should cut all ties with their most recent ex, unless theres a child involved. Like what is there to even talk about with your recent ex?

C/s 100%.

I don't like that %%#+ at all. Was the reason me and my bf broke it off.

when we first started talking in 07 i wasnt too cool w/ it even though it was like textin and stuff......then i saw what he looked like and really didnt give adamn
....then like 2/3 weeks later after she saw what i was about she cut him off completely......i showed her what was good and she left that bum alone*shrugs*
Don't see a problem with it.

Then again, I've only had relationships with DS girls.
any chick that still talks to her ex...I look at it like

1. she still regrets it not working out and wants that d--- on standby in case her man messes up or for when shes in between relationships
2. (if they ended on "good terms"), she still wants it to work out. comfort zone
3. she justs wants that d--- period.

I dont even talk to my exes. and for girls i dated, it's like when im done im done. Only talk to one of them and that barely. It's highly disrespectfuland dues nowadays are more conniving than ever. no respect.
No need. Way outta pocket.

Specially if your in a new need for catch up talk.
If you are between the ages of 16-30 don't talk to your ex. Face it people (both sexes) at this point are not mature enough to be able to talk to theirexes without fooling around. Me included. When I first started dating my girl, I said it was cool to talk to her ex in MODERATION. I also felt there should beno reason for her talking to him anyway but w/e. So everything was cool until dude starting taking the conversations too far. He would ask her to let him stayat her place for the weekend and all this jazz. ....Long story short, she does not talk to him any more, and dude isn't brave enough to call her or seeher.

-The Juice
I would certainly prefer they didn't, but I would just have to trust her that it's strictly platonic.

If it's a very common thing, like they hang out every other day and always talk on the phone, then I'd get jealous and annoyed, but once in awhile? notso much.
Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

but I feel once you have sex with somebody there's always a chance of something rekindling.
This right here. My girl told me that if we were to break up and what not that she would still fall weak to me even if she was w/ somebody else
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