How you like dem AAPL's?

jobs was apple now with him gone apple is just another tech company and their stocks will reflect that.

jobs was

RIP to da legend
Man eff Jobs. He was a huge hypocrite and douchebag.
He unlock your girl's panties?
Company is just out of innovation. It's just not the same. I think Apple's prime was the period I worked there, around '07. iPad was nice but simply a mere form factor change. There's just nothing exciting anymore, nothing in the pipeline. Steve was this company, and I've said this since he passed.

Even the keynotes aren't the same.
He unlock your girl's panties?

It's well documented how much of a hypocritical prick he was. Jobs admitted to stealing ideas from Microsoft (or something else, I forget) and he turns around and sues Samsung for their phone layouts...:rolleyes
Damn, did anyone see today's price drop? Yikes.

The market does respond to paranoia, but like Finns2003 mentioned, the innovation is dead.
Yep, 450 and counting. AAPL is just not what it was when fresh, innovative products were coming out, no one can deny that.
What are these ground-breaking innovations that are putting apple to shame? Nothing on the market has even remotely made me re-consider my iPhone and I'm sure others agree. The stock is down because investors are pressuring them to come with something right now. The stock price is no reflection of sales or company health as they're constantly breaking previous records. The same people that were saying "why do you care as if you own stock" when it was at $700 are the same ones who can't stop talking about it now. We get it, you don't like apple. Aside from that, apple is the mainstream industry standard in mobile tech. You can't turn on your tv without hearing about some app now available for your iPhone. 95% of non-manufacturer commercials showcase the iPhone. Those "want to sell your phone" commercials, they're not asking for your windows phone or android phone, they want your iPhone. The music and movie industry absolutely love iTunes. Apple's imprint in American society is solidified.
i dont think the innovation is dead, in fact, i think they drop something really dope this year. they simply haven't had the need to release anything spectacular when dominating the past few years. now that the market is catching up let's see how they adapt.
OP mad he cant afford Apple stock

Oh, well....time to ride that SNE wave.


Some of y'all apple fanboys are just delusional and blind.

The innovation is dead and that's from an unbiased but analytical observer.

Google is filing patents for the new Google View project, devices that rattle the bones in your ears and create augmented reality on lenses in front of your face.....Apple is just now patenting a Nike + type athletic device and attempting to claim ownership of things that will never hold weight in court like rectangular electronic devices with glass screens.

As an industry leading US company I would love to see apple bring out something revolutionary and progressive but lets be real....there is nothing like that in the pipelines for the upcoming months.....and even if there was, I don't have faith in the current leadership to handle it correctly.

Everything from manufacturing to advertising has taken a step down inside that company and those without blinders on can see it.
Its amazing how Apple broke its quarterly profit record and had the 3rd largest revenue in history and shares went down but NFLX barely beat its estimates and is up like 55%.

Some of y'all apple fanboys are just delusional and blind.

The innovation is dead and that's from an unbiased but analytical observer.

Google is filing patents for the new Google View project, devices that rattle the bones in your ears and create augmented reality on lenses in front of your face.....Apple is just now patenting a Nike + type athletic device and attempting to claim ownership of things that will never hold weight in court like rectangular electronic devices with glass screens.

As an industry leading US company I would love to see apple bring out something revolutionary and progressive but lets be real....there is nothing like that in the pipelines for the upcoming months.....and even if there was, I don't have faith in the current leadership to handle it correctly.

Everything from manufacturing to advertising has taken a step down inside that company and those without blinders on can see it.

I'm straight on all that. I'm convinced dudes would let google install 8 core processors inside their brain so they can become human nexus if the opportunity arose.
I'm good on that too.

Just showing the difference in R&D.

Apple has been spending the least on R&D of the major tech players. I think Nokia spent something like 4x the amount Apple has on developing new products last year.
apple was overvalued on the date of earnings, thats why it dipped. its all about forecast and investor confidence.
you just cant convince me that apple at their peak was larger than msft and goog combined.

Yo.. I swear i wish i can find that 7-8 page thread that was about investing in Apple a couple of months ago. Their number one spokes person DAJOKA talking about 1000$ this year. SMH. I told dude my exact words were "you seem like a smart dude, drop apple and hit up rimm or Nok" this was like 6 months ago. Dude must be offing himself with his apple stocks. Im so happy just for the fact that you Apple holders were so blind and not only that but Egotistical as well. Just like dude in here laughin saying "you hating because you cant afford it" homie its dropped almost 25% in value.

And not like I care for any other tech company, or have some sort of attachment to any one company, and that is the problem with apple holders. They believe because they have the holy trifecta of macbook,iphone,and ipod the company must be doing well.
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apple was overvalued on the date of earnings, thats why it dipped. its all about forecast and investor confidence.
you just cant convince me that apple at their peak was larger than msft and goog combined.
Apple was larger than GOOG and MSFT combined if they could sustain their margins.  The reason for the selloff is that investors had an inkling that such huge margins were ultimately not sustainable and recent earnings scared a lot of folks because it confirmed standing suspicions.

Apple's margins are that which are seen in luxury markets. Except that Apple's business isn't built on selling to the wealthy. They market their products as luxury goods but they sell to the average joe.

Most recently Telcom's have been moving away from the subsidization model. When folks have to pay $650 for an Iphone, will they? Especailly when phones like the S3 are at $450?

Apple's margins are and will be getting squeezed but ultimately it is a strong and healthy company. In terms of earnings, AAPL set such a high standard that it distorted many investors perceptions as to expectations.

Think of it this way. AAPL has been consistently scoring 100pts/game over the last 5-6 years and then they have an 75 pt game and everyone yells "boooo!!!!". This is essentially what it is happening.
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I'm good on that too.

Just showing the difference in R&D.

Apple has been spending the least on R&D of the major tech players. I think Nokia spent something like 4x the amount Apple has on developing new products last year.
Apple has been spending tons of money in R & D; they've been plowing big money into vertically integrating production. This isn't R & D in product but R & D in the business.

Samsung's major competitive advantage is its vertical integration due to massive amounts of CAPEX and a "little" help from the Korean government over the years.

Mark my words, in 5-7 years time, AAPL will not only be making smartphones or PC's/ Notebooks.

There is no reason, apart from supplier constraints,  that AAPL cannot succeed in  selling an array of consumer electronics like Samsung.

At 10x PE, AAPL isn't dirt cheap by historical standards but if you're in it for the long term (20+ years) then now is a good time as any to buy.
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Apple was larger than GOOG and MSFT combined if they could sustain their margins.  The reason for the selloff is that investors had an inkling that such huge margins were ultimately not sustainable and recent earnings scared a lot of folks because it confirmed standing suspicions.

Apple's margins are that which are seen in luxury markets. Except that Apple's business isn't built on selling to the wealthy. They market their products as luxury goods but they sell to the average joe.

Most recently Telcom's have been moving away from the subsidization model. When folks have to pay $650 for an Iphone, will they? Especailly when phones like the S3 are at $450?

Apple's margins are and will be getting squeezed but ultimately it is a strong and healthy company. In terms of earnings, AAPL set such a high standard that it distorted many investors perceptions as to expectations.

Think of it this way. AAPL has been consistently scoring 100pts/game over the last 5-6 years and then they have an 75 pt game and everyone yells "boooo!!!!". This is essentially what it is happening.

This is not the point man. How long did the Celtics (Bird era) go in a row before dropping?, Bulls? (jordan era), Lakers (Jabbar era)? and so forth. The point is all of them fell, even after their hot streaks. No team can own consistently for , for lack of a better word, ever.

You as an investor and consumer have to keep that in mind.

ESPECIALLY IN THE TECHNOLOGY SECTOR. Its a joke if you think Tech companies can last longer than 10-15 years, specifically if they are not under any contract under the military umbrella.
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I hope they don't release the 5S but rather the 6 with a bigger screen and design. The S series is boring and nothing innovative. They also need to revamp the IOS cause I'm getting bored of it. Jonathan Ive needs to step up to plate.
It's well documented how much of a hypocritical prick he was. Jobs admitted to stealing ideas from Microsoft (or something else, I forget) and he turns around and sues Samsung for their phone layouts...:rolleyes

Apple literally doesn't exist without Microsoft. Plain and simple.

On another note, Gates gets slammed by a lot of people (including people on this message board) for his charity work. Saying it's just for tax purposes. Well, you know who didn't give a dime to charity, and even shut down the philanthropic division of his company when he came back? Steve Jobs. Stingy, greedy bastard who somehow gets a pass because he gave the world a bunch of shiny toys.
Apple was larger than GOOG and MSFT combined if they could sustain their margins.  The reason for the selloff is that investors had an inkling that such huge margins were ultimately not sustainable and recent earnings scared a lot of folks because it confirmed standing suspicions.

Apple's margins are that which are seen in luxury markets. Except that Apple's business isn't built on selling to the wealthy. They market their products as luxury goods but they sell to the average joe.

Most recently Telcom's have been moving away from the subsidization model. When folks have to pay $650 for an Iphone, will they? Especailly when phones like the S3 are at $450?

Apple's margins are and will be getting squeezed but ultimately it is a strong and healthy company. In terms of earnings, AAPL set such a high standard that it distorted many investors perceptions as to expectations.

Think of it this way. AAPL has been consistently scoring 100pts/game over the last 5-6 years and then they have an 75 pt game and everyone yells "boooo!!!!". This is essentially what it is happening.
This is not the point man. How long did the Celtics (Bird era) go in a row before dropping?, Bulls? (jordan era), Lakers (Jabbar era)? and so forth. The point is all of them fell, even after their hot streaks. No team can own consistently for , for lack of a better word, ever.

You as an investor and consumer have to keep that in mind.

ESPECIALLY IN THE TECHNOLOGY SECTOR. Its a joke if you think Tech companies can last longer than 10-15 years, specifically if they are not under any contract under the military umbrella.
You don't make any sense. You have to take it on a company by company basis.

Of course AAPL won't own forever. On the other hand, can they consistently turn out growth and earnings? The data and facts suggest that they can. Who's their biggest competition? Samsung. And then who else? So do you believe that Samsung will reign supreme?

This mantra of "especially in the tech sector" is too big a generalization.  MSFT, GOOG, CSCO, ORCL, IBM, etc. where someone who bought into them for the long term (as in held for 20+ years) has made good money.

Yes, there are the HP's and DELL's and RIMM's  and NOK's but that doesn't mean that there aren't exceptional companies in every sector that produce decade after decade or companies which at times are undervalued so much by the market that they make a great long term bet at certain prices ( e.g.: F @ under $5).

I wouldn't advise someone to invest all of their capital in bets like this but personally I invest a third of my money in companies which I believe to be great long term bets. Are all of them going to succeed? No. But if only 2 or 3 out of 10 do then I come out on top anyway. I just give myself greater odds by trying to picking better plays.
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i believe innovation in the mobile market has peaked. There will be improvements to current benchmarks, i,e things will get faster, lighter, etc.....but I don't see a game changing innovation in the near term (next 5 years.) 

AAPL thrives off innovation, as there is not much room for that right now, AAPL has hit a ceiling. It has nothing to do with Steve Jobs, it's a real capacity that we are stuck in until semiconductors can support the next change.

Meanwhile, competitors, have caught up and now it's refinement on the little things. The disparities between competitors is shrinking. 
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