Hows your Itunes looking? Vol. I need help organizing mine.

I too suffer from iTunes OCD. It's a bother sometimes, but it's all worth it in the end.
Originally Posted by rodster831

Originally Posted by seventh letter

I have iTunes OCD really bad too.

So bad, I sometimes delete songs that don't have album covers.

Like a song that an artist just puts out that's not on an album, mixtape, or a single. Yeah those

why don't you find the album covers on google? That's what I do to all of mine. Every single song in my library has a cover

Some songs don't have covers.

Example: Trey Songz - D.O.A (Death of Kellz)

It's not on an album, or mixtape, and it's not a single, therefore there's no cover for it.
Originally Posted by NEIGHB0RH00D

Originally Posted by LongRange3Ball

It kind of annoys me when itunes can't find the album cover for some albums... when they've been out for a while. gotta do it myself

you gotta make sure the songs name + artist + album is exactly what it says in itunes.

Some albums are old, but aren't on iTunes at all.
Media Monkey (MM) Is how you fix Your library. Here's the truth, iTunes sucks as a media management tool. It's sole purpose should be syncing musicwith apple devices if you know what's good for you and Media monkey can even do that until an apple update basically breaks that functionality on purpose.So what is Media Monkey, well it's the best music management tool in the history of modern computing. First you load your library, select all the songs inan Album, right click and select "Tag From Web". Then you will have the option to pick the correct album and all needed info (Cover Art, reviews,Date of release, Artists, Label, producers, lyrics and numerous additional options (From Amazon or several international music sources). Once you click"OK", it gives you the option to save the cover art to the folder (folder.jpg) and to the digital music tag also so that no matter where the filegoes, the cover art is always shown.

Lets say you have a single that isn't really on an album, well go to Google/Bing image search and put in the title. Pick the artwork that represents thesong or select your own image that you want to represent the song and add it to the music file by selecting the properties of the digital music file."MM" also automatically knows the different components of cover art (Front, back, and inserts), and processes them accordingly. Want to add lyrics,theres a tab for that. In short, you can fight iTunes (and it's non standard tags (Album Artist) if you want to, but if you're smart, you'll manageyour music with "MM" then just rescan your collection into iTunes and see it magically appear like you want it to. "MM" always finds Coverart if it's available in any real on-line catalog, and if it isn't Google/Bing is your friend. Oh, did I mention it's free. The pay version is evenbetter and there are plenty of ways to get a copy, but the free version has 95% of the paid versions features anyway, so there you go. You have been givenwisdom and knowledge, now lets see if you're smart enough to use it. You can show a person wealth, but you can't make them think rich?
I'm very anal when it comes to my iTunes
Everything is organized with album artwork
I even filled in the correct genres for all the songs last week, took me like 2days
Very organized.
Except my singles... i have it under a album called "Z".
I just throw em' in there.
I just started using iTunes last week after I got an iPhone.

It took me a few days to get everything sorted out. The singles thing is a pain - I have a couple of bands where I have tons of singles too so I just made a'cd singles' album for that artist and put them all in there - a lot neater than having tons of them. Just picked a picture of the band for the cover.

Took me a while to work out how to add artwork for individual tracks too - I mean those that are on their own rather than an album or compilation.

Originally Posted by McFlyyy

i take pride in organizing my itunes. even if i have a compilation or a mixtape with several different artists, i file the entire album/tape under the same artist and put (featuring...) the individual artists in the song title, instead. much easier for ipod and itunes browsing.

That would just annoy me - because they would have the wrong artists.

Checking the compilation box works pretty well IMO - sometimes you have to move a few tracks around but it got all mine pretty well. As long as the album titleis correct for each track then it sorts them out.
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