Hugo Chavez: Your thoughts & opinions on the man.

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Why do people always bring Communism with Chavez?
This guy is a bit nuts however i respect some of his political ideologies. Communism is actually a good thing (IMHO) however many leaders take advantage of the "ideologies" it holds (Ex. Castro)..Dont misjudge on something you have never lived under man cause you do not know how it is until you lived that life (under Communist regime)

Actually some of my family lived under Daniel Ortega in the 80's. Also a couple of cousins of mine married cuban guys. They used to tell me about thatand why they left Cuba and all that. Most people here that are asked about Chavez or Castro are always on the same page. They barely ever say anything good. So i've never lived it but the stories I hear...

I know you guys heard about the guy in N Korea that was killed because he made a long distance call right? I mean what kind of !@$! is that. Thats takingit too far. Thats communism for ya.
Thats communism for ya.
1.a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as awhole or to the state.

Hmm... i don't see anything about being killed for making long distance calls in that definition.

People hear others defend the idea of communism and think they're defending things like murdering people for making long distance calls... the theoryitself is not the problem, it's the implementation and motives the people in charge have when they install what they refer to as a communist state..

The same goes for democracy.. just because it sounds good doesn't mean it works all that well in practice. Hell, even laissez-faire doesn'twork in the real world..
are we writing u a paper for school?
Nah. I've been there a number of times & have some friends in Ven. I just wanted to get a feel for where NT stands on ol' Hugo.
hes a little crazy, but hes got the guts to stand up against U.S. foreign policy and Israel so hes arite in my book.
He's destroying Venezuelan society and thought.

It's funny how the college kids in USA will protest about random things and simply be labeled hippies/lefties or MAYBE commies by a few and that's it.

In Venezuela the college students protest/riot EVERYDAY for democracy and their whole family gets blacklisted, and I do mean blacklisted.

Mention Hugo Chavez at a Venezuelan party....and see what happens. He's tearing the country into shreds....and even worse trying to stop diplomaticrelations with his sister nation of Colombia, even going as far as to speak with guerilla army leaders [the same communists/soc. who are keeping my country incivil war ]
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