Human Alien History on Earth

forget the video, the host would most definetly get the business
i wouldn't doubt that it is possible. imo it is a lot more plausible then some of the crap religious people believe in. how can you put all your faith inan all powerful god that created us and everything around us, yet shoot down this theory in a matter of seconds?
1. Atlantis is Bigger than Rome, Egypt... then where is Atlantis buddy
? lol ****
2. we were only able to get ''civilization'' from aliens and no other way... ? Thats their answer? is Aliens must of brought it

3. Humans get smarter with time, not hard to realize we became smarter with time, as we still do. We learn from mistakes.
4. All those pieces of ''art'' about Aliens is straight reaching

5. Cosmic Guinea Pigs

6. If we are ''injected'' with Alien DNA, then carbon date the oldest fossils to see how our DNA differs today...
7. We insult primates by calling ourselves primates? Lol you sir are crazy

8. Did you hear the man? Theres another PLANET in our SOLAR SYSTEM !?!? That super beings or gods come to Earth from? Well if its in our Solar System thenwhich planet is it? Jupiter
these people need to lay off the crack!

And for the record, I don't disagree with the possibility that their may be aliens at all...However I don't believe we are injected with their DNA.
Originally Posted by Just0

1. Atlantis is Bigger than Rome, Egypt... then where is Atlantis buddy
? lol ****
2. we were only able to get ''civilization'' from aliens and no other way... ? Thats their answer? is Aliens must of brought it

3. Humans get smarter with time, not hard to realize we became smarter with time, as we still do. We learn from mistakes.
4. All those ''art'' about Aliens is straight reaching

5. Cosmic Guinea Pigs

6. If we are ''injected'' with Alien DNA, then carbon date the oldest fossils to see how our DNA differs today...
7. We insult primates by calling ourselves primates? Lol you sir are crazy

8. Did you hear the man? Theres another PLANET in our SOLAR SYSTEM !?!? That super beings or gods come to Earth? Well if its in our Solar System then which planet is it? Jupiter
these people need to lay off the crack!

And for the record, I don't disagree with the possibility that their may be aliens at all...However I don't believe we are injected with their DNA.
i'm saying i believe this but honestly nothing you listed makes sense.

1. a lot of scientists believe there was an atlantis and i remember reading about it in my science books back in 9th grade so don't shoot it down. if youpiece all the continents together a middle piece if missing which is where atlantis would have been.

2. i am pretty sure they said we evolved very rapidly at one point. it said that a very advanced civilization seemed to appear out of nowhere.

3.again we went from %%#* habilis, %%#* erectus etc. and then to a more advanced %%#* sapien faster then we had been evolving before hand.

4.honestly they can be interpreted in many ways, who knows.

6.what carbon dating has to do with comparing dna is beyond me, you must be confused.

7. they clearly said we insult ourselves and the "aliens" by calling ourselves primates

8.they said there is another planet that takes about 3,000 years to complete a full rotation around the sun.

again i'm not agreeing with them just saying what you wrote was some bs.
i'm saying i believe this but honestly nothing you listed makes sense.

1. a lot of scientists believe there was an atlantis and i remember reading about it in my science books back in 9th grade so don't shoot it down. if you piece all the continents together a middle piece if missing which is where atlantis would have been.

2. i am pretty sure they said we evolved very rapidly at one point. it said that a very advanced civilization seemed to appear out of nowhere.

3.again we went from !%%# habilis, !%%# erectus etc. and then to a more advanced !%%# sapien faster then we had been evolving before hand.

4.honestly the are can be interpreted in many ways, who knows.

6.what carbon dating has to do with comparing dna is beyond me, you must be confused.

7. they clearly said we insult ourselves and the "aliens" by calling ourselves primates

8.they said there is another planet that takes about 3,000 years to complete a full rotation around the sun.

again i'm not agreeing with them just saying what you wrote was some bs.

1.Atlantis is NOT real, Scientists would have found it by now. And no your wrong... if you piece it all together you get PANGEA.
2 & 3. Fair enough, we just don't know the answer to that.
4. People interpret everything different, but you can take any piece of art and say its something that its not.
6. Carbon dating relates to DNA in that you can do carbon dating to DNA to confirm that cells in the brain live longer others, thus seeing correlation betweenhow DNA worked then and now.
7. Ya i know, and thats

8. Either way... We can see OTHER GALAXIES, AND OTHER planets not from our galaxy, but we cant see ones in our own that possess life??
I used to be really into this type of stuff and believed it was possible that there was some type of alien intervention in the development of the the humanrace because a lot of the structures built by ancient civilizations seemed to advanced for the technology of the time, but then i realized that when you havethousands of slaves/people believing your a god anything is possible. People that claim we had to have some type of alien intervention to build/do some of thethings ancient civilizations are not giving human being enough credit.
One question I always had was "If Atlantis had such a big impact on humanity and it was such a vast and great civilization, where is there no trace ofit?" We have found evidence of other civilizations such the Mayas, Aztecs, Incas, Egyptians, Romans, etc but we have not found any evidence that wouldprove the existence of Atlantis. I am discrediting the idea of Atlantis but I just want to know why we have never made any advances towards proving ordisproving this theory.
Great vid! I love to see crazy conspiracies because if they come true I can say to myself I believed it.
what i wanna know is why we advance our technology so much in going up(inspace), when the answers of our origin our down below...DRACONIANS?!

word to Alex Collier
Interesting Video, Man that chromosome part got me thinking. If that is true, dude has a point. How come we don't have 70 chromosomes?
Not to Hijack this thread, but since we're on the topic of Aliens, do any of you believe in aliens? For me, I saw 3 flying circular objects flying in SanRamon, Ca. I know you get looked at as some weirdo when you bring up the word aliens and sightings. But my boy, his whole family and myself came out and sawthese fly objects( UFO'S). I get shivers typing this, cause I always thought those people that talk about UFO's were kinda crazy until it happened tome. BTW I was very sober, no alcohol or any substance. I just came from work with my boys. We were painting a house, and when my boy saw these UFOs , I thoughthe was geeking. But then we just stop and pull out the camera phone and started filming, and they had rainbow colors around the UFO's. Then it was likethey went through a wormhole or something cause they just disappeared in a major force of speed. I know I sound crazy, but man until it happens to you. Youmight never believe it. My boy still has it on his cell phone with us cussing and everything.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

....I just came from work with my boys. We were painting a house.....
that explains it. you were fatigued and inhaling paint. you saw weather balloons.

i'm joking, i not only believe there are aliens, i believe some visit us on a regular basis.
Originally Posted by gumbottombandit

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

....I just came from work with my boys. We were painting a house.....
that explains it. you were fatigued and inhaling paint. you saw weather balloons.

i'm joking, i not only believe there are aliens, i believe some visit us on a regular basis.

Is that right? Why do you believe they visit on a regular basis? I don't know it sounds crazy when you watch those shows on the history channel and you gotpeople talking about they have been abducted and all of that. Man, I want no part of that. It just sounds like those people being getting violated in theirsleep.
i feel a lot of the so called abductions are of an elusive imagination and others are just out right lies. i also feel there are a lot more abductions thenwhat we know of, some might have been done in cases where the abductee has had his/her memory suppressed. hell for all we know, we all could have at one pointbeen violated (as you put it).
1. Atlantis is Bigger than Rome, Egypt... then where is Atlantis buddy
? lol ****
2. we were only able to get ''civilization'' from aliens and no other way... ? Thats their answer? is Aliens must of brought it

3. Humans get smarter with time, not hard to realize we became smarter with time, as we still do. We learn from mistakes.
4. All those pieces of ''art'' about Aliens is straight reaching

5. Cosmic Guinea Pigs

6. If we are ''injected'' with Alien DNA, then carbon date the oldest fossils to see how our DNA differs today...
7. We insult primates by calling ourselves primates? Lol you sir are crazy

8. Did you hear the man? Theres another PLANET in our SOLAR SYSTEM !?!? That super beings or gods come to Earth from? Well if its in our Solar System then which planet is it? Jupiter
these people need to lay off the crack!

It's because of people like you that hold back your third statement.

Too many people rely on science for answers that we've become dependent on it. And I'm not saying that science doesn't find answers but how do weknow what information is released and what information is withheld? There are aspects of science that are just as reliable as philosophy. Remember that sciencealso presents THEORIES. It doesn't give ALL the answers.

"Fear science not Satan..."
i'm very surprised at NT's reactions to this.

went much better than i expected.

i think it is VERY possible.
The only thing I want to say is, yes, I believe in other life forms ofintelligence. Do I want to call em aliens? No. We sound like stupid weirdos. lol. Anyway, I find completely and totally impossible for there to not be otherforms of intelligence out there, SOMEWHERE! Not all of the galaxy has been discovered by man. For all we know, there's people just like us 500 lightyearsaway wondering the exact same thing on BJJ or TikeyNalk. People gettin' dr0'd, people gettin' their gurls taken by smush parker, people postingtheir rage, wutever. It's just hard to say that there's NOBODY else out there like us. I won't believe it. In fact, I know there's others outthere. Without even having had a personal experience. I know it.
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