HUNGRY ramen's to bail the kid out

Sep 21, 2008
Im sitting in the house bored, "aim boning" with chicks and im hungry as hell
i came back home from balling at 9:30 to a house of no food and water!!!

My mothers gone and my grandma's sleep and i got no money
....worst part
about it is there aint no ramen noodles either
, imreduced to


and im tired of these damn pizzas i been having them for the past nearly straight....has this ever happened to anyone else?
i know i aint the only one

Yes im mad/salted yeah yeah "cool story bro" and the rest of it

end of rant
i feel kinda bad for you dude

my house is always stocked with food and beverages

i can't imagine having just tap water and instant pizzas in my fridge

id buy you food if i knew you

that pizza sounds a helluva lot better than ramen noodles though.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

i feel kinda bad for you dude

my house is always stocked with food and beverages

i can't imagine having just tap water and instant pizzas in my fridge

OP i bet you have a lot of sneakers though huh?
Go To sleep! sleep off the hunger!!!

oh yeah, and for the help.. can i get some of the AIM ScreenNames of those slorz?

Dam if you ain't got no money........ still go to your local supermarket/grocery store

While your browsing for things you might want to buy later, start munching on anything you can get

I usually drink milk like NesQuick and munch on fruits

often times I come out the store full. Just pretend your going to buy by carrying a basket full of random stuff but eat as you walk.

Works everytime just don't go dressed as a bum, look respectable and you can munch for days

don't get used to it though
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

i feel kinda bad for you dude

my house is always stocked with food and beverages

i can't imagine having just tap water and instant pizzas in my fridge

OP i bet you have a lot of sneakers though huh?

i do
but trust those days of heavy sneaker buying isbehind me, food has always come 6' 5" nearly 200 and eat like
i weigh 350
mama celeste pizza looks nasty on the box so you know the real thing is nasty too
Originally Posted by domc03

you ain't hungry enough dog cuz that pizza should be good enough
ONE celeste pizza left son
that aint doing nothing for me

and i have no doritos....i would have been killed that bag

whats good with the paypal though
the hell are you gonna do with paypal dollars? you gonna order a pizza off ebay? by the time you transfer that money to a bank account, it'll be next week.
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