Hypothetical motor-vehicle operating induced RAGE situation

Apr 8, 2006
Alright... situation is:
You are a 22 year old, mad at the world, tired of dealing with stupid people and especially fed up with the poor quality of drivers.

Doing your daily commute, going WHERE EVER, driving defensively as you learned in your over priced driving school.

Someone decides to make a lane change, without so much as glancing at their mirror or anything. 

You aren't in their blind spot... you are blatantly beside them and driving a bit faster as to pass them.

They clip your vehicle. The one you wash and maintain relentlessly. The one you saved you hard earned cash for years to purchase. The one... you love.

In a perfect world information is exchanged, insurance companies are contacted, and we continue to live in peace.

Instead you lose it.

Walk around to the trunk, grab the:


...and proceed to do equal damage to their vehicle.

You swear, seeth, and sweat and you plunder the HELL outta this dudes corner panel.

The scene is very similar to this... maybe less damage.. maybe no Limp Bizkit background music

What are the legal ramifications?
Alright... situation is:
You are a 22 year old, mad at the world, tired of dealing with stupid people and especially fed up with the poor quality of drivers.

Doing your daily commute, going WHERE EVER, driving defensively as you learned in your over priced driving school.

Someone decides to make a lane change, without so much as glancing at their mirror or anything. 

You aren't in their blind spot... you are blatantly beside them and driving a bit faster as to pass them.

They clip your vehicle. The one you wash and maintain relentlessly. The one you saved you hard earned cash for years to purchase. The one... you love.

In a perfect world information is exchanged, insurance companies are contacted, and we continue to live in peace.

Instead you lose it.

Walk around to the trunk, grab the:


...and proceed to do equal damage to their vehicle.

You swear, seeth, and sweat and you plunder the HELL outta this dudes corner panel.

The scene is very similar to this... maybe less damage.. maybe no Limp Bizkit background music

What are the legal ramifications?
LOL if this happened in real life. SMH at you.

*sig and twitter check* o okay so you didnt do it /thread
LOL if this happened in real life. SMH at you.

*sig and twitter check* o okay so you didnt do it /thread
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