Hypothetical Question: Who could seriously destroy the Hulk?

Feb 28, 2008
I got this from another site.

I say......


Can easily do the Hulk in. In fact he fought Oden (Thor's father) to a stalemate.

And now that he has the Heart of the universe his power rivals the Tribunal's.

Not to mention, Thanos was granted immortality after Death banned him from being dead (if there is such a thing.) So unless Hulk has the power to cage orbanish Thanos to another realm, Hulk ain't messing w/ him.
The Beyonder
Molecule Man
Dr. Strange

Will make Hulk fold like a bad hand.........Dudes be forgettin', he is the strongest dude on Earth, not the universe.
I don't know...

They shot Hulk off into space because he was becomin' too much of a problem and they couldn't beat him.

So yea...
I think this argument should be limited to mutant vs. mutant. It's too easy to name a few "gods" or "immortals" that wouldn't evenbreak a sweat against the hulk. Is it also limited to the Marvel Universe?
Originally Posted by RFX45

I think this argument should be limited to mutant vs. mutant. It's too easy to name a few "gods" or "immortals" that wouldn't even break a sweat against the hulk. Is it also limited to the Marvel Universe?

I mean if you want to go into the DC universe, you can go there too.

Doomsday is pretty much on the Hulks level if not more.
Actually no one.

when the hulk had his primal side released he was able to lift over 1000 tons and he could break adamantium with his bare hands.

his raw strength was comparable to galactus and his unstopability was comparable to juggernaut.

so...no one in his current universe and timeline
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