I am Legend the movie

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Originally Posted by TheNameIsDale

This and Cloverfield (1-18-08) are going to be AMAZING, I hope so that is.
i've watched the trailer for Cloverfield several times and still don't know what the hells goin' on. Is it King Kong? Godzilla? Sasquatch?Cookie Monster?
I can't wait
..Cloverfield looks
yeah i wanna know how the book is before i actually buy it. i see there's two different book covers at borders; 1 with will smith on the cover and the 2ndone has zombie looking creatures on it......it says it's by the same guy but i wonder if there is actually a difference in the story line orwhatever....does anyone know? Other than that, im hyped about the movie. i hella enjoy movies with zombies, vampires and yeah well u get the hint!
^^^ he was immuned to the virus because he was bitten by a vampire bat when we he in the war (what war it was i dont' know). but yeah, that's why he's immuned. I dont' know how they're going to portray it in the film...
im pretty sure it was some war in panama.
^^^that is correct, as far as the book goes I got the one with the vampires on it. There are also a couple of short stories in the book, but I did'nt get achance to ready any of them yet. Anyone know what the other stories are about?
I thought it was gonna be tight at first like 2 weeks ago but i highly doubt it will be.

i hate movies like that, world ending BS lol-- i saw that movie 80 days or something, suppose to be a horror flick but that was TERRRRRRRRIBLE beyond beliefs
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