I Am Legend vs. Cast Away!!!!!!!!

how do you even compare the two movies? maybe op meant real life situation, which person had it worst, tom hanks in an island by himself or will smith alonewith his dog hiding from mutant crack head vampires. if thats the case its tough to say
Originally Posted by nelly28

how do you even compare the two movies? maybe op meant real life situation, which person had it worst, tom hanks in an island by himself or will smith alone with his dog hiding from mutant crack head vampires. if thats the case its tough to say

now there's a discussion.

on the one hand your life is completely at risk and food is running scarce but on the other hand NYC is all yours during the day, you can watch every movieever made etc etc. (btw how did the electricity stay on that long?)

on an island you have the peaceful south pacific but all you have to eat is fish you cook and coconuts. you're completely alone but noone is trying to killyou. and you still might get rescued.

well only one of them contemplated suicide
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