I am now a fan of these but I need to know are they safe? vol. Late Pass...

Aug 11, 2001

I've had to drink about 5 of these in the last 2 months and every single time they do their job to perfection! In fact, this Max Strength one I posted is actually too strong.

Last night I went into work ready to do a 12hr. shift going off of 55min. of sleep
. I walked in and took one immediately. Thought I ate a senzu bean. I felt like this:

My question is, are they safe? I know RedBulls and other energy drinks are bad. This says it has the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee. Would taking 1 a day be a bad idea instead of drinking coffee?
I drink either a redbull or 1 of these (or street king) every day (monday-friday). no more harm than coffee.
I drink em, but I try to im moderation. You're right they work, they work too damn well. It cant be good to drink to much. My sis says they tell her its bad in all her kinesiology classes.

I just drink a half at a time. Thats usually enough to take me through the day.
Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

What do these taste like? I've always wondered. 
They're pretty good. However, you're not exactly supposed to "taste it". What I mean is, it's a "shot". By time you taste it, it should be going down your throat (PAUSE). You don't sip it, you take it in one gulp. You'll notice the effects in under 10min.

When I say this stuff works, I mean it works. I limped into work exhausted with a sore ankle. I finished the day with energy and my ankle didn't hurt anymore. The Max Energy actually seems to last like 10hrs...
I've seen people say these are terrible for yOu but never go into detail as to why. What are the ingredients?
I think those are just caffeine, maybe some b-vitamins. Nothing too crazy, as long as you don't knock back like 5 or 6 a day they're fine.
It's just a lot of caffeine, 138mg to be exact.

To put that in perspective, there is 80mg of caffeine in an 8.4 oz can of redbull.

It's why they say "as much as about a cup of coffee," rather than give an actual mg. The caffeine content of coffee has a huge range dependent on the bean and brew method used.

I think using it only when you really need it is best.
Originally Posted by Tr1ll

I drink em, but I try to im moderation. You're right they work, they work too damn well. It cant be good to drink to much. My sis says they tell her its bad in all her kinesiology classes.

I just drink a half at a time. Thats usually enough to take me through the day.

I'm pretty much do the same thing. One time I downed the entire thing in 10 seconds and it was too much. I got hot and was flushing because of the niacin
I try to keep it in moderation. they work so damb well.

the other day I was partying till ike 8 in the morning, got up at 11 to go to the Knicks game then went to a bar for like 3 hours. Had a bball game at 8:15. took one at 8 and ws wored. Was straight flying up and down the court. Didnt wear out till ike 3 in the mornign when they ran out. joint is crazy.
I guess people think its not safe in the long run cuz it's an artificial way to keep your body awake instead of getting good rest
ehhh I just buy caffeine pills...I take 3x 200 mg caffeine pills a day...

if you guys are feeling weird after the first shot, just take em in moderation, then build up your tolerance.

caffeine is a diuretic though, so make sure you drink lots of water if you guys are taking this stuff religiously
I wouldn't get too dependent on these types of "shots". A friend of mine got ulcers in his stomach from taking too many. A lot of these shots aren't even FDA approved, meaning the information on the bottle may not be accurate and truthful.
Caffeine pills is what I usually do, theyre so damb cheap it's like 15 cents per pill. But the dude that takes three a day is od.
...i hardly drink sodas as all, and marvel at those addicted to caffine like they're some lab rat.
...then you have those people that drink nothing but red bull type drinks all day

Yall should just go to bed at night, you shouldn't depend on any energy drinks. NONE of them are good for you, done in moderation or not.
Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Yall should just go to bed at night, you shouldn't depend on any energy drinks. NONE of them are good for you, done in moderation or not.

I never want to put anything into my body that creates "artificial" energy... just sounds wrong to me.

Eat well, sleep well, stay on top of your fitness, and you should have all the energy you need.
Originally Posted by jordan supreme

Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Yall should just go to bed at night, you shouldn't depend on any energy drinks. NONE of them are good for you, done in moderation or not.

I never want to put anything into my body that creates "artificial" energy... just sounds wrong to me.

Eat well, sleep well, stay on top of your fitness, and you should have all the energy you need.

Nice in theory but very difficult in reality to abstain from completely. I only use 5 hr energy when I really need it...like a 30 hr shift when I was only able to get 1 hr of sleep.
jordan supreme wrote:
703 Hwy wrote:
Yall should just go to bed at night, you shouldn't depend on any energy drinks. NONE of them are good for you, done in moderation or not.

I never want to put anything into my body that creates "artificial" energy... just sounds wrong to me.

Eat well, sleep well, stay on top of your fitness, and you should have all the energy you need.

10000% agree. Eating right, sleeping and fitness is key. I have never used any type of energy product. I feel its extremely bad for you body
Originally Posted by jhobson5

jordan supreme wrote:
703 Hwy wrote:
Yall should just go to bed at night, you shouldn't depend on any energy drinks. NONE of them are good for you, done in moderation or not.

I never want to put anything into my body that creates "artificial" energy... just sounds wrong to me.

Eat well, sleep well, stay on top of your fitness, and you should have all the energy you need.

10000% agree. Eating right, sleeping and fitness is key. I have never used any type of energy product. I feel its extremely bad for you body
Man what do you guys do for a living?

Up at 5am everyday for work.  Get home at 5pm $%! go to the gym go home eat dinner by then its 8-9 relax for a bit and get to bed at 11.  Usually not tired....so fall asleep by 12 back up at 5.  If coffee didn't exist id be the most unproductive worker ever

Never taken 5 hour energy only because its kind of expensive vs coffee.  But might keep one in the desk for that day i go out at night and get the old 2 hours of sleep. 
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