I Believe it's That Time to Bring Up The N-Word Vol. Huck Finn

Apr 4, 2008
Since some $@*#@!* with white guilt decided it was best to censor the cornerstone of American literature, I've been thinking whether or not the word has lost its meaning. You look at the way most of y'all use it on here, in a brotherly manner and you don't even think about the racial connotations, so why must one desire to defecate such a beautifully crafted novel. 
I don't have a problem with it. Just get an older edition.

I've never read it, what will they be replacing it with?
Edit: I see they changed it to slave. I don't see why that was necessary.

They also changed Injun to Indian and half-breed to half-blood.
bottom line for me....if you dont' like the book..don't teach it.
but don't try and change the author's words.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Someone watched 20/20 last night.
Na I got an email from one of my teachers about roundtable discussion and just figured I'd move it here since we aren't a bunch of suits fighting for prestige.
PC, left wing America decided to cleanse the novel because our country is soft and we must protect our children from racism.

How can we learn our history if we sanitize it? Huck Finn and the racism in it toward Blacks and Native Americans is an accurate depiction of the country at the time.
##$# i still look at it w/ racial connotation if any human lacking pigmentation uses it
White people want black people to ever forget that they were slaves in this place. Just want blacks to wake up one day in the future and just be like " We was always on the bottom boss"
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

PC, left wing America decided to cleanse the novel because our country is soft and we must protect our children from racism.

How can we learn our history if we sanitize it? Huck Finn and the racism in it toward Blacks and Native Americans is an accurate depiction of the country at the time.
Exactly, it's almost like they wanna have a gradual fade out and abolish all memories of the Civil War--kinda like they did with Vietnam.
bottom line for me....if you dont' like the book..don't teach it.
but don't try and change the author's words.
I'll be damned if this leads to any other forms of censorship...although, being on the banned books list is pretty profitable.
Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

##$# i still look at it w/ racial connotation if any human lacking pigmentation uses it

Fighting racism by drawing lines based on discrimination and exclusivity, how ironic.

The word has completely lost it's meaning.

This whole "we can, but you can't" is absurd.  Who is distributing these exclusive "You can use the N word" cards?  Is it like Costco or Sam's Club?
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

##$# i still look at it w/ racial connotation if any human lacking pigmentation uses it

Fighting racism by drawing lines based on discrimination and exclusivity, how ironic.

The word has completely lost it's meaning.

This whole "we can, but you can't" is absurd.  Who is distributing these exclusive "You can use the N word" cards?  Is it like Costco or Sam's Club?


Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus


I hate discrimination, so where can I take this pigmentation test you guys speak of?  Is it an eyeball test?  Do they draw blood?  Do they look up your family tree?

I want to break the N word barrier.

I'm a minority, does that give me a better chance?  I heard rumors on the internetz that some minorities use it freely, is that true?

I feel good about my chances in obtaining this card, too bad the qualifications are more ambiguous than trying to figure out how to improve your credit score. #frustratedminority
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

##$# i still look at it w/ racial connotation if any human lacking pigmentation uses it

Fighting racism by drawing lines based on discrimination and exclusivity, how ironic.

The word has completely lost it's meaning.

This whole "we can, but you can't" is absurd.  Who is distributing these exclusive "You can use the N word" cards?  Is it like Costco or Sam's Club?
so if it lost its meaning then you wouldn't care if used words aimed at mexicans then right? 
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo
so if it lost its meaning then you wouldn't care if used words aimed at mexicans then right? 
Go ahead, but first name a racial slur that is used against us that we "flipped" to a term of endearment/brotherhood.
doesn't matter.....and all the endearment talk came from outsiders who always gotta put their 2 cent on something that has nothing to do w/ them 
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

bottom line for me....if you dont' like the book..don't teach it.
but don't try and change the author's words.

cosign. and editing out the word doesn't change anything. author originally put it there at the end of the day and that's wat matters.
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