I Believe it's That Time to Bring Up The N-Word Vol. Huck Finn

Yes the left wing is tying to censor racism & civil rights, and the plights slavery had 200 years ago, 50 years ago, 10 years ago, and the effect it still has today.

Yet you have the conservatives in Texas who publish MOST of the textbooks trying to change the entire history of Civil Rights & Slavery, and the history of this country and you talk about liberals making us soft..

A lot of you guys have a lot of life to experience.. And I don't even disagree and think that the book should be taught..
Its a book. Leave well enough alone. You dont hear the rap lyrics changed or movie dialog changed. It's in context of the time in which the novel took place. I have no problem with the word being used to convey a period of time in American history. 
There needs to be a preference by teachers with the word... The history and context of it would need to be conveyed... You can't teach it if you do not provide that context, and lesson.

If you ignore it like it is no big deal, you could potentially open up a can of worms for immature students..
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Someone watched 20/20 last night.

Watched it for about 60 minutes.

Originally Posted by MF Doomer

The term it's self degrates not only blacks but a people in genaral.
This horribly-worded sentence, rife with spelling and grammatical errors, has single-handedly set whatever race you consider yourself a part of twenty years back.
Whats changing a word in a book compared to acting like half a millennium of a oppression never happened? 

If only these history preservationists in literature would share the same passions when it comes to actual history the world would be a better place for C-words and N-Words respectively 
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by 0cks

I mean it's really simple...
I don't care what some suit says, I wanna know what you think.
not to be presumptuous, but i found that response somewhat out-of-character because of how generally in touch you are with the literary field. White Like Me is a pretty important text in the subject of race relations in this country, especially within the context of white privilege.
then again, you may disregard this by reiterating that you want to know what the individual himself thinks, which makes this moot
Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

Originally Posted by MF Doomer

The term it's self degrates not only blacks but a people in genaral.
This horribly-worded sentence, rife with spelling and grammatical errors, has single-handedly set whatever race you consider yourself a part of twenty years back.


i think stuff like this is more about easing white guilt than really trying to protect students or whatever...

i want to say texas but i'm not sure where they wanted to or did take out all 'ethnic classes' like Afam history, mexican history so that students wouldnt feel inferior or something like that...
These type of kids is why the "n-word" is coming outta white peoples mouths.  Even Waka Flocka or Lil Wayne don't speak like this......

It's these type of guys that are "white friendly" that are spreading the ignorance and actually confusing and setting up other races to form stupid opinions.
Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

Originally Posted by MF Doomer

The term it's self degrates not only blacks but a people in genaral.
This horribly-worded sentence, rife with spelling and grammatical errors, has single-handedly set whatever race you consider yourself a part of twenty years back.

In all actuality, if your not a English professor your right to point out my errors in my point is invalid.
Originally Posted by 0cks

I mean it's really simple...
My english teacher in high school taught Huckleberry Finn as an anti-racist and slavery book. She was a great teacher.
yo, you non-black dudes wanna use the N word so bad?

go ahead

when you get assulted, don't act surprised.
Originally Posted by jadams003

I don't understand the fascination of other races (meaning not black/African American [whichever you prefer]) and their use of the n-word. Whether African Americans choose to use the word among one another for ANY purpose, there does not exist a correlation between that and the so called "granting of permission" to someone of a different race to use the word. Every time this topic is raised, someone comes in and highlights the fact that, by either geographic location or encouragement by friends, other races tend to use the n-word with varying results. I personally am African American. Do I say the n-word occasionally, sure. Do I make a conscience effort to not use it, absolutely. Do I admonish my black friends for using the word, only when used in excess. Am I cool with other races using it, NO. Has the word lost its meaning, sadly it never will. In many ways I feel that it shouldn't. Let it stand as a lasting reminder of the struggles of African Americans in this country and lands abroad. To adopt the word as a common euphemism or slang term free for all to use at their discretion only further perpetuates the false ideas of equality and racial harmony within our society.
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