I can't take it anymore...

Not being fat :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

Me personally, I'd feel disgusted if I took off my clothes and saw acres of blubber and fat. But thats just me.

Shoutout to all my heavier people who are doing something about their weight for HEALTH reasons. :smokin
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What about it? One has nothing to do with the other. Gay people are a protected class yet people malign them on a personal level all of the time. Even though gay people can't help being gay (it's biological).

We act like its people's right to be fat. It is until they start shifting the costs unto society at large.
Is it not?  If somebody wants to eat unhealthy stuff, they are the right to eat what they want and make them who they are.
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If he said that he hates sitting next to someone who smells like cigarette smoke or has poor hygiene, I doubt he would be criticized for it.

Why do we treat fat people like a protected class?
I dont society treats fat ppl like a protected class. If that was the case, it wouldn't be so many fat jokes or fat puns. Far from the case........
What about it? One has nothing to do with the other. Gay people are a protected class yet people malign them on a personal level all of the time. Even though gay people can't help being gay (it's biological).

We act like its people's right to be fat. It is until they start shifting the costs unto society at large.
Do you hear yourself speak?
If he said that he hates sitting next to someone who smells like cigarette smoke or has poor hygiene, I doubt he would be criticized for it.

Why do we treat fat people like a protected class?
I dont society treats fat ppl like a protected class. If that was the case, it wouldn't be so many fat jokes or fat puns. Far from the case........
What about it? One has nothing to do with the other. Gay people are a protected class yet people malign them on a personal level all of the time. Even though gay people can't help being gay (it's biological).

We act like its people's right to be fat. It is until they start shifting the costs unto society at large.
Do you hear yourself speak?
A protected class doesn't dictate peer to peer interaction. The government can't control what comes out of people's mouths (for the most part).

Fat jokes and fat puns are not indicative of anything.

When airlines wanted to charge obese passengers for 2 seats, all hell  broke loose? Why? If you are twice the size of a normal person, what's the problem with charging you for two? When Bloomberg outlawed sodas over a certain size, people yelled that people's rights were being abrogated. But it's OK to spend so much on healthcare in NYC rather than on improving the City?What gives certaon parents the right to give their kids diabetes and then shift the health care costs unto the taxpayers?

We treat fat as normal but it's not. There's a huge cost to society at large.
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The only time I felt hate towards fat people was when I worked at a pizza place and they would come in five minutes before we closed lol.

Some of you guys need to reevaluate your priorities if someone being fat really gets to you that much haha.
I generally feel sorry for them because everyday activity must be a chore.

It's literally handicapping their lives. They can't go for a long hike, walk or play a sport.

Their weight contributes to bad knees, stress and the immune system is usually weaker. Not to mention hypertension, diabetes and increasing the risk of cancer.

I don't care what anybody says, it also has to sting your self-confidence.
In high school I worked at Six Flags operating rides. There would always be a situation where an obese person wants to get on the ride but can't fit in the seat or the safety belts/bars can't be fastened.

Some lady had the nerve to yell at me saying "why don't yall fix this ride so more guest can get on". I'm looking at this ***** like she can't be serious. And this issue pertains to obese people, not people who have a beer belly, because they still manage to fit fine on the rides.
I generally feel sorry for them because everyday activity must be a chore.

It's literally handicapping their lives. They can't go for a long hike, walk or play a sport.

Their weight contributes to bad knees, stress and the immune system is usually weaker. Not to mention hypertension, diabetes and increasing the risk of cancer.

I don't care what anybody says, it also has to sting your self-confidence.
I've never had these problems in my life and I do all of those activities on a daily basis
I generally feel sorry for them because everyday activity must be a chore.

It's literally handicapping their lives. They can't go for a long hike, walk or play a sport.

Their weight contributes to bad knees, stress and the immune system is usually weaker. Not to mention hypertension, diabetes and increasing the risk of cancer.

I don't care what anybody says, it also has to sting your self-confidence.

Why feel sorry when the have the power to change their situation?
If he said that he hates sitting next to someone who smells like cigarette smoke or has poor hygiene, I doubt he would be criticized for it.

Why do we treat fat people like a protected class?
I dont society treats fat ppl like a protected class. If that was the case, it wouldn't be so many fat jokes or fat puns. Far from the case........
What about it? One has nothing to do with the other. Gay people are a protected class yet people malign them on a personal level all of the time. Even though gay people can't help being gay (it's biological).

We act like its people's right to be fat. It is until they start shifting the costs unto society at large.
Do you hear yourself speak?
A protected class doesn't dictate peer to peer interaction. The government can't control what comes out of people's mouths (for the most part).

Fat jokes and fat puns are not indicative of anything.

When airlines wanted to charge obese passengers for 2 seats, all hell  broke loose? Why? If you are twice the size of a normal person, what's the problem with charging you for two? When Bloomberg outlawed sodas over a certain size, people yelled that people's rights were being abrogated. But it's OK to spend so much on healthcare in NYC rather than on improving the City?What gives certaon parents the right to give their kids diabetes and then shift the health care costs unto the taxpayers?

We treat fat as normal but it's not. There's a huge cost to society at large.
I'm with you on just about everything you've written in this thread, but did you really just advocate the Bloomberg soda ban?
The only times fat people bother me is when they give me **** for living the way i live going to the gym and not eating what theyre eating or counting calories. Or when they complain and say they have to take a bunch of medications for this and that. All they have to do is lose the weight and change to a more "active and eating healthier lifestyle" and most of the health problems they have will go away. I feel they're too lazy or too stuck in a mindset that will prevent them from making that lifestyle change.

Ever since I lost 100+lbs life is so much better though. Feel bad for all the fat people that dont make the change like I did missing out.
We've had this conversation before. I get most of your views and opinions. But the fact that the sight of an overweight person can ruin your mood or appetite is a lil extreme in my opinion. Sounds Hitlerish to me. I don't know it just rubbed me the wrong way.
See, I can respect a dude who has put in the work to change his past lifestyle. :smokin
Props to you, my man.

I can't and never will respect a slob who refuses to change their life, for themselves and for the sake of their loved ones as well. You're commiting murder, to the most important person in your life. YOU.

Do you feel the same way about smokers? Drinkers? People who aren't fat but don't hit the gym? I feel like you feel like an elitist and your not. Just because you have a six doesn't make you better then someone with love handles.
Do you feel the same way about smokers? Drinkers? People who aren't fat but don't hit the gym? I feel like you feel like an elitist and your not. Just because you have a six doesn't make you better then someone with love handles.
Those were all cute comparisons.. But being fat still greatly trumps all of those things. I'd even go so far as to say smoking and drinking together but still maintaining a decent weight is better than being fat.

And if you aren't fat and dont go to the gym why are you discussing this? It's a fat people thread. They're not fat. If they choose too, they don't NEED to go to the gym.

You keep actin' like we think we're supermen in comparison to fat people and not a single person has yet to post that.

Breathe bruh.
Do you feel the same way about smokers? Drinkers? People who aren't fat but don't hit the gym? I feel like you feel like an elitist and your not. Just because you have a six doesn't make you better then someone with love handles.

Those were all cute comparisons.. But being fat still greatly trumps all of those things. I'd even go so far as to say smoking and drinking together but still maintaining a decent weight is better than being fat.

And if you aren't fat and dont go to the gym why are you discussing this? It's a fat people thread. They're not fat. If they choose too, they don't NEED to go to the gym.

You keep actin' like we think we're supermen in comparison to fat people and not a single person has yet to post that.

Breathe bruh.
Not really because smoking and directly impacts the health of those around you, almost 53,000 people die a year from just the fact someone around them is a smoker including 9,000 infants. As much as you want to pretend like it does, you seeing fat people has no direct impact on your life. 4million people yearly die from smoking. Alcohol is far less fatal but then you have when they get behind the wheel. Fat people just introduce potential health concerns to their own life, and hurt your eyes of course :rolleyes
That's a lot of judgment in this thread. I hope you guys provide helpful advice and active assistance moreso than just a scornful face since it affects you so much. Being overweight isn't good, but being that judgmental ******* sitting on the side pointing the finger and being absolutely useless isn't any better. That, even fat people can't stand to be around.
I've never had these problems in my life and I do all of those activities on a daily basis :lol:

That's great for you. Others are not as fortunate. I would keep up the daily activity because the weight becomes harder to deal with as you get older.

I have a couple of friends who I could play ball with all day when we were younger now they have gained weight and the can't even run more than 1 game. :smh:
Fat people getting kicked off rides at 6 flags causing

Wild awkwardness = hilarious.

I couldn't imagine being in their shoes...everyone

Waiting on you to get your fat *** out da way

Cuz you too big, and that slow walk of shame

Off da ride... :smh: :lol:
I hate to bump this thread but I want to vent on something that happened to me Saturday night and this seems like the right place to do it.

It's my girls birthday today so she had a bunch of people over to party Saturday night.

I was outside of my girls apartment building in DC waiting to let a friend in. I was smoking a cigarette (may be relevant to what happens next) when this guy (probably about 40-50; not extremely overweight but he had a beer gut) turns onto the sidewalk to walk into the apartment building directly next to me. He looks right at me and says, "you're so skinny you're going to die soon." I'm just staring at him in confusion like did he really just say that?! Then, he opens the door to his building and before he walks in, looks me right in the eyes (I was still looking at him confused), and says, "SKELETORRR" in this creepy voice. Now, I will admit I am a skinny guy (5'8" 140 lbs). I don't lift but I walk EVERYWHERE (probably about 3-4 miles of walking a day) and I eat very healthy. I couldn't believe the audacity of this guy. He may have been drunk, I'm not sure, but still.

Fat people getting kicked off rides at 6 flags causing

Wild awkwardness = hilarious.

I couldn't imagine being in their shoes...everyone

Waiting on you to get your fat *** out da way

Cuz you too big, and that slow walk of shame

Off da ride...
I just recently went to Kings Dominion with a bunch of my friends and the one that is a bugger dude oddly said he didn't wanna go. This may have been what he was trying to avoid. Damn...never thought of how embarrassing that would be 
Fat people getting kicked off rides at 6 flags causing

Wild awkwardness = hilarious.

I couldn't imagine being in their shoes...everyone

Waiting on you to get your fat *** out da way

Cuz you too big, and that slow walk of shame

Off da ride...
I feel you. Being OD fat is just not a healthy lifestyle. I weigh a few extra myself because I like food, but I'm 6'4" so it's not all that bad. I've decided to never let myself get over 250 and I'll never marry a woman over a certain weight. Just not a good investment.

It's cool to like Doritos and all, but once you get to the point where you can't go on rides and have to buy extra seats on airplanes (as you should have to) and all that, it's no different than a crackhead in my view.
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