I don't buy the jobs report (200k jobs added) vol. You LIE

You don't HAVE to work for someone else. Find something you're passionate about and try to find a way to monetize that, see where it goes from there. If you're gonna be unemployed for all that time at least try to make moves. Easier said than done I know but man....this unemployment *!%! is sad stuff
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by E3LAL

More concerning is underemployment.  Ya you have a job, but that is barely cutting it.
This is part of the problem. I have peers in the IT field making $12-14/hr. That barely covers gas and food, let alone paying for a mortgage or rent. The robbery that companies are pulling on the American people is disgusting. I had a friend send me a job offer he got for a desktop support job for $10.50/hr with no benefits. What kind of #$!! storm is that?


Someone will take it too out of desperation. These companies wonder why their employee's quality of work isn't where it should be. Well yea look at how much you're offering. Lot of these people getting these jobs too went through some accelerated program, have no experience and often have no idea what the hell their doing **$*@%* the game up. This is the case in various fields.
Amen, they wonder why the turnover rate is so high and people are not motivated to do good work.

your peers are obviously not skilled. What skilled IT employee is looking at desktop support jobs? thats an entry level job and even at that thats 10.50 an hour FOR ENTRY-LEVEL thats a job a college kid should have.
Huh? Desktop support as in tier 2. It's not hard work but requires computer skills that 99% of the population doesn't have. I have yet to meet anyone who gets one out of college. They all require 3-4 years of experience. You're either referring to helpdesk call center jobs, or you're lost on I-95 when it comes to corporate IT.
Marketwatch comments are the best. People are speaking the truth. Don't listen or believe these cooked numbers the government is feeding you.
This stuff is amazing. All of the small businesses around my area that have closed have not come back. All the people who have lost jobs have found NOTHING. Those few that have are working @#$%&! jobs part time. Some crazy propaganda going on here, @#$%&!?
Sure these employment numbers are cooked, but let's look at the audience. The American public is addicted to celebrities, "reality" TV, talent shows, toddler pageants, single-serve everything, SUVs, Apple iToys, and other symbols of narcissistic display. Why does anyone doubt that totally incredulous numbers will be believed?
Wow how about all these jobs. I'm trying to decide which one to go for. I could apply for the Walmart greeter position or maybe the McDonald's position. Maybe I should go for the highway litter detail. So many decisions in life which one to choose? Maybe I will pick one in Washington state as they have the best minimum wage in the country. Thank you Mr Obama for the change I could believe in.
Here's the real deal...

Washington Post Excerpt and link:

"Remember that the unemployment rate is not "how many people don't have jobs?", but "how many people don't have jobs and are actively looking for them?" Let's say you've been looking fruitlessly for five months and realize you've exhausted every job listing in your area. Discouraged, you stop looking, at least for the moment. According to the government, you're no longer unemployed. Congratulations?"

Originally Posted by DoubleD Productions

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by E3LAL

More concerning is underemployment.  Ya you have a job, but that is barely cutting it.
This is part of the problem. I have peers in the IT field making $12-14/hr. That barely covers gas and food, let alone paying for a mortgage or rent. The robbery that companies are pulling on the American people is disgusting. I had a friend send me a job offer he got for a desktop support job for $10.50/hr with no benefits. What kind of #$!! storm is that?
Welp I'm working at a job where I get $11.50 an hour and right out of college I feel ok about this.
People need side hustles... we have to figure out ways to make money on our own aside from these

ridiculously low wages. That's the only way imo to be comfortable when only making 25k-30k a year

on paper. I'm just happy to have a job. Some of my homies with no post secondary education are

literally working for $8 an hour and have to worry everyday about getting fired for the pettiest things. 

I make 14/hr working retail (graduated last may) and can't even come close to paying rent and covering all my bills. Been working 45+ hours a week, 5+ days a week for 6 months now and still under the designation of part time which prevents me from some benefits.

Happy to have a job but @%$! this +!+# is wearing on me
I don't believe those numbers whatsoever. Unemployment rates are never what they seem anyways, it only accounts for those actively filing for benefits, once you're off it, you're no longer accounted for. I know some of you have said this already but I'm just stressing this fact.
Look into the mobile internet industry guys, those companies are ALWAYS hiring, kinda crazy.
Originally Posted by bjamez20

Originally Posted by DoubleD Productions

Originally Posted by finnns2003

This is part of the problem. I have peers in the IT field making $12-14/hr. That barely covers gas and food, let alone paying for a mortgage or rent. The robbery that companies are pulling on the American people is disgusting. I had a friend send me a job offer he got for a desktop support job for $10.50/hr with no benefits. What kind of #$!! storm is that?
Welp I'm working at a job where I get $11.50 an hour and right out of college I feel ok about this.
People need side hustles... we have to figure out ways to make money on our own aside from these

ridiculously low wages. That's the only way imo to be comfortable when only making 25k-30k a year

on paper. I'm just happy to have a job. Some of my homies with no post secondary education are

literally working for $8 an hour and have to worry everyday about getting fired for the pettiest things. 

I make 14/hr working retail (graduated last may) and can't even come close to paying rent and covering all my bills. Been working 45+ hours a week, 5+ days a week for 6 months now and still under the designation of part time which prevents me from some benefits.

Happy to have a job but @%$! this +!+# is wearing on me
I feel your pain my man... it's difficult especially right out of school. Stay positive, though...Im trying to myself 
I do economic research for a firm here in Columbus and research suggests that we have one of the strongest economies in the country..come to Ohio. But I forgot this is NT and Ohio is nothing but farm land...
. According to our data and research, Ohio has 100K unfilled jobs. That's a lot given the U.S's economy...

There's plenty of work here, word to all of the foreign-owned businesses we have here in Columbus and surrounding counties.

Plus you have an amazing school - The Ohio State University..
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