I don't usually post race-related issues on NikeTalk..

Sep 10, 2004
..but when I do, it's about the absence of Latino's & only one Black lead in the movie The Avengers. What gives, Hollywood? The Ultimate universe can't have a Lebanese-Mexican Tony Stark Helu ?
welcome to the real world. there is racism all around is and i dont think itll ever end
Independently made.

Originally Posted by dunkaruu

..but when I do, it's about the absence of Latino's & only one Black lead in the movie The Avengers. What gives, Hollywood? The Ultimate universe can't have a Lebanese-Mexican Tony Stark Helu ?
and you're gonna forget about the lack of Asians in this troll rant about racism... right.....
The man who assembles the team is black, the man in charge, and you're still not happy? Besides, they were just sticking to the comic books. 

Some people just try to make everything racist.
I heard there's some new Marvel comic where in some alternate universe, Spiderman is half black & half hispanic...Miles Morales

Spoiler [+]
i once went with a friend to an acting class of 80 people.....i would say 95% of the people there were white.....not saying that Latino's and Blacks are not getting shafted but the playing field is not even......like the 50 shades of grey movie everyone keeps naming white dudes for the lead, i ask why not black/latino actors.....
I'm personally not a fan of changing races of characters that have back stories like that. And anyway, for Marvel, there has been ONE Avengers film and they mad Nick Fury Black, ONE Daredevil and made Kingpin Black, ONE Thor and had Idris Elba as a Norse god.

Now what happens if Luke Cage pops up and is played by a white guy?

On the DC side, Ertha Kitt famously played Catwoman on TV. Helle Berry played the character on film, as awful as it was. But certain things just won't fly for me. For example, I wouldn't mind an alternate race for an iteration of Spiderman, but I wouldn't want to see a Black Peter Parker. That's just me. I grew up reading my dad's old comics, and became a light collector myself when I was younger. So some of these characters have some history with me.
In the 90s there used to be hella "black movies"

I think piracy has a lot to do with Hollywood not taking chances and instead catering to the majority.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

Other races don't think being an actor/actress is realistic.


Latinos, Africans, Asians and Middle-Easterners for the vast majority don't believe in themselves to gain the ability to act in front of a camera. Let alone take acting classes... You disagree?
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