I easily put this up there as 1 of the greatest hip hop albums of all times

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by zube42

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

This is an alright-very good album.

But not a classic. Yall hypin' too much
Black on Both Sides>any album made by Lil' Wayne.
Yeah, that [color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]Black on Both Sides[/color]was a classic. To bad [color= rgb(102, 102, 102)]The New Danger[/color] was a fail!!!!
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000


Sooo, I just heard this album for the 1st time ever and all I gotta say is WOW! I definitely been sleeping on dude.]
So NT.....how late am I?
I'm going with an album that hardly ever gets mentioned but is a definite classic. Devin the Dude's first official solo release under Rap-A-Lot.
Black on Both Sides is EASILY a classic. Just take out New World Water and I would be able to play it straight through.
this dude is so frustrating cuz when he "wants" to rhyme hes easily (imo) one of the greatest.
and yes op youre about 10 yrs late and yes this album is very solid

^ yo you dont like new world water
? that song is official
Originally Posted by vezon

Black on Both Sides is EASILY a classic. Just take out New World Water and I would be able to play it straight through.

"Cuz itsallabout get'n dat caaaahhhhh"
i cant listen to msfatbooty once, always replay it
I love the baseline/everything
I don't think there are e any skip-able tracks..

That's old school man. Back in the era when Mos and Talib were considered "underground" (a little, at least).... Some of the best times forhip-hop, when there was an actual underground scene. Now everything is "underground".
Umi Says is still one of the most beautiful songs I've heard. And Ms. Fat Booty gets played/replayed all the time.
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