I Feel Like I Need a Long Break From Media (Even NT)

Jul 19, 2004
Sup NT,

I just watched the Truman Show with Jim Carrey (for those who haven't seen it, watch it...it's a great movie). And I can't stop thinking of how much media does truly affect the way reality is perceived by the general public. Media was never a concern in the past until now, with practically all news station telling us what THEY want us to hear, music boasting of sex and drugs. Even reality TV....that stuff is FAKE! But why does the general public watch it? Cause people can empathize with the main character? You tell me. I just feel like I need to explore and learn more of the world we live in than the bubble I probably live in. There is SO much of this world that we don't know. Most of us only know reality by what is depicted by the media. I'm not totally against media...but all I have to say is to not be brainwashed by the media. Don't believe everything you see on TV, the internet, and even NT. Don't assume the world you know it is the world everyone of this Earth believes in..because it's not. OPEN YOUR MIND...word to the red pill. Be blessed.
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I feel you OP.

The media has become too big a part of American culture, and from the looks of it there is no turning back. There are times where I wish I lived in a different era where life was much more simpler and significantly less digital. Nobody is 100 percent where they are anymore. More times than not I can't sit and have a conversation with someone for more than 2 minutes without them checking their phone. I see groups of people out eating all of the time, and all of them are on their iphones doing something other than being fully engaged with one another. Over time these "little things" add up, ultimately having a big impact on our personal relationships. I haven't even mentioned the fact that the content that consumes us for the most part is absolute junk that has no lasting value in our life. It pretty much influences us to engage in destructive behaviors that someone has figured out how to profit from. It's sad. 

***Turns off computer and goes for a walk without phone***
Now it's more commonplace than ever before. That's why I make it a point to at least read 2 books a month, just to divert my attention away from whatever it is that's being forced feed to us via media outlets. 
I definitely feel what you're saying, but I couldn't get away from all that stuff unless I got rid of my phone, computer, and television. And obviously that isn't happening so it's really up to us to limit what we intake from those outlets.

Exploring our planet should be something that interests everyone. Like you said, there is so much we don't even know about or appreciate. I think if people took my time to learn about that stuff we would be better off.

Instead we have people killing kids in strollers. :stoneface:
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