I feel like Im at the lowest point of my life. vol..depressed

Not sure how old you are, but assuming you are in your mid-late twenties, you can use what you have learned to keep going, striving, never giving up at any turn, and keep pressing on.

That 6.5 years of experience can do some company some good. Get back out there and look for prospects.

As for your ex, take the time to just step back and low lay for a minute. Don't hate her and don't dog yourself. She was looking for other things in life - that's her god-given right. You can think about all the good times you had together, but put all that energy and effort into getting back on your feet and keeping yourself active. Find a hobby that you always wanted to take up and pursue. Do something that makes you happy.

You only live once and you have A LOT more living left to do.

All my best.
Life is going to go on regardless if you get out of this funk or not. You can sit and be depressed and let life pass you by or you can take this as an opportunity to get a new start. Just take what you've learned in your relationship and at your past job and put it towards something new and you'll be good OP.
My man keep you goddamn chin up. This thing called life aint over. As long as you have life you have chance, never give up, dont do some dumb %%%, we're meant to win, we're not meant to be defeated, human beings.

Dont quit homie, that's the most cowardice thing you can do. Read some books, work out, pick up another hobby. Get out of your own head for a while.

And peep these vids, seriously.
That @*# nor did that company deserve you. You stop god damn crying and pick yourself up. You are still alive! You could be dead in a creek getting raped by meth heads but you aren't. You have the power to turn it all around, full 360! Get on your grind, get your mind right, hit that gym, look for new employment or think about a career change. YOU ARE A EFFING WINNER! YOU MAKE THE MOTHER EFFING RULES! THEY DIDN'T APPRECIATE YOU SO YOU TAKE YOUR GOD DAMN TALENTS ELSEWHERE!
Damn...7 years?....For no reason?

And how did you lose your job?...

Not to sound cliche, but There are plenty o' fish in the sea fam'... She probably made you happy, but I'm willing to bet that there's another woman that can make you happier.
Yeah... Im going through a divorce and got laid off 3 months ago.... You gotta say $&@? It and keep on moving.... People go through worst $&@! .... Before you know it you will be at a high in life , smiling at a new girl and a new job....
Life has never kicked me in the @@$%* with this magnitude, Its feels as if I lost 7 years of my life. Things can only go up from here right?...hopefully this experience can make me a better man.

Thanks For cheering me up guys!
If it makes you feel any better the 3rd week in January is the most depressing time of the year.

-Holiday spirit high is over.

-Everyone is broke/behind on their finances from the holidays/NYE

-Everyone reverts back to being an %%$ hole after the holidays.

-Everyone sets over the top goals as their new years resolutions, ex: FB quote, "2012 IS MY %+%$$$%%!!#%$ YEAR, THIS IS THE YEAR WHERE EVERYTHING CHANGES", then that person just reverts to the same person they were 3 months ago.

-Its the coldest time of the year.
Originally Posted by gil23

My girl of almost 7 years broke up with me on new years and today i lost my job of 6.5 years.....my life has changed so rapidly.
I've been so depressed and Im so lost now right now...this #$@ its unreal.


well, I guess that leaves you with a whole new life to start,

you can go/do anything you want, thinking positively of course!
Originally Posted by prestigeworldwidex21

If it makes you feel any better the 3rd week in January is the most depressing month of the year.

-Holiday spirit high is over.

-Everyone is broke/behind on their finances from the holidays/NYE

-Everyone reverts back to being an %%$ hole after the holidays.

-Everyone sets over the top goals as their new years resolutions, ex: FB quote, "2012 IS MY %+%$$$%%!!#%$ YEAR, THIS IS THE YEAR WHERE EVERYTHING CHANGES", then that person just reverts to the same person they were 3 months ago.

-Its the coldest time of the year.

That's pretty interesting, makes sense though! 
but to the op as everyone's said keep your head up & keep it pushing. I had a similar situation happen to me a couple years back and although it takes awhile to bounce back trust me you will in the mean time keep good friends & family around you and do the things that make you happy to occupy your newly acquired "free time." 
Originally Posted by prestigeworldwidex21

If it makes you feel any better the 3rd week in January is the most depressing month of the year.

-Holiday spirit high is over.

-Everyone is broke/behind on their finances from the holidays/NYE

-Everyone reverts back to being an %%$ hole after the holidays.

-Everyone sets over the top goals as their new years resolutions, ex: FB quote, "2012 IS MY %+%$$$%%!!#%$ YEAR, THIS IS THE YEAR WHERE EVERYTHING CHANGES", then that person just reverts to the same person they were 3 months ago.

-Its the coldest time of the year.

lol this is so true. never really thought of it like that.
op, why did she breakup though? 7 years is awfully long. i was with my ex for only a few months and i thought that breakup was bad. im not about that life.
Keep your head up OP,

I can relate to your pain, I've been like this for quite a while now, Nothing really cheers me up.

Terrible feeling, feelsbatman.jpg
that's some tough *$%# man, things will get better, I promise you. (disclaimer: even though I have no control over the future)
Originally Posted by gil23

Life has never kicked me in the @@$%* with this magnitude, Its feels as if I lost 7 years of my life. Things can only go up from here right?...hopefully this experience can make me a better man.

Thanks For cheering me up guys!

Yes, there's no way but up for you my dude.  One learns more from losing than winning, and you'll be better off for it.
Im not gonna just sit here and give you the stereotypical macho-man like answer and be like "aw get yourself together quit being a wuss" type response, not everyone is the same. That may work for others to get them back on their feet, but not all. I do know one thing with My time being on this Earth, life is crazy, and unbelievably unpredictable. You could be doing so well one moment and then in the matter of days everything can just take a turn for the worse. Ive learned that life is extremely enjoyable when everything is going well for you, but theres no learning and growth through the good times. Sometimes it takes events like this that shake your world momentarily to help mold you as a person. Im sorry for you losing your girl as well as your job, just remember this isnt the end, youre just embarking on a new beginning. You can truly tell how strong a person is by what it takes to discourage them. Dont let this get you down and out. I know its easier said than done, but trust Me, take action now and the results Will come in due time. Youll be okay, Im praying for ya.
If she broke up with you on New Year's Eve, it was planned and for a girl to plan on breaking up with a guy on that date means you don't need her and you are better off. Jobs are scarce right now, but they are out there. Keep looking and when you get tired of looking, look some more. Never give up. As far as women, be single for a while. String of one night stands when available should do the trick. When that gets old, find someone better than that last chick. The above is possible and highly plausible, if you try hard enough.
P.S. Good luck and let us know the good news (great job, beautiful girl) when it happens 'cause it will if you put in the time.
You should only feel down if that woman and that job defined you.

Who were you before that woman? Who were you before that job? The same man you are today except with the freedom to do better than that job and that woman.

Now you have free time, right? Time to focus on something you've been putting off that is very important to you. You are now short of two excuses. You were just freed up from the time you had to devote to two things that obviously weren't meant to be.

Take that time. I mean TAKE that time. Take it back... it's yours now.

Hit the gym. Not for the sake of being attractive, but because it'll get your adrenaline, testosterone and thoughts flowing. Start feeling good about you, not what you have or don't have.

Let energy flow from the inside out and radiate so bright that everyone feels it without you saying a damn thing.

Any negativity? Give them the


and keep it moving.

You got this homie! All that pain you're feeling is weakness leaving your body. Go take your time back, G.
Originally Posted by gil23

My girl of almost 7 years broke up with me on new years and today i lost my job of 6.5 years.....my life has changed so rapidly.
I've been so depressed and Im so lost now right now...this #$@ its unreal.

My Man, its no need to be down on yourself. Pray about it. Move on from your girl(i need its easier said than done) Find a new job. It no reason to be depressed. People are in worst situation than you in this world. Loosen up and find a new job and a new girlfriend. Pray about your situation.
Originally Posted by datpiff110

man real talk....

i hop u wasnt coming in here lookin for sympathy

i hate when +%+!%! act like !$$#%@! when it come to *!## they going thru

pick yaself up and dust yaself off

u gonna get another job in no time *$**#

stop acting like a !*%@%

and another thing

!*!@ these *%*$...u cant have her seeing u curled up and *!##

If you have nothing positive or uplifting to say to him then don't say @##% to him at all. Calling him a #%#$%. Really son? I don't know your story at all, but put you in a similar position, you'd probably feel the somewhat the same as OP does right now. And it would be wrong for people to put you down after you've expressed your hardships. Am I right?
Hate people like you
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