I GOT A FULL FACE TATOO Vol. SwagJets MikeTyson

I don't have any tattoo's but i have nothing against them...just don't think i could have something on my body FOREVER and like it...id prob get sick of it after like 2 weeks...yes i have ADD.

But for some reason i instantly judge people with face tattoo's as less intelligent then me...until i actually talk to them or get to know them....idk why :rolleyes sorry
I have a single tattoo on my right hand, my hand shaking hand. While it is not a face tattoo it is fully visible and I never try to hide it. Meet people from judges to politicians, they always comment on it. I got it because I was a bit rebellious when I was twenty one, just finished college, knew I would get a job somewhere. It hasn't stopped me from doing anything (currently law student working for a judge, at a law library and as a server in an upscale neighborhood). If I get a tattoo, it's a statement of me, and I will never hide me from the world. Don't think I would get a face tat until I'm like 50 and am just like "---- the world." I always feel like people who get elaborate tattoos just to have them hidden to anyone but their friends aren't confident in themselves, because honestly if you are confident in you, A) you're not going to get a generic tattoo B) your personality will outshine any bit of ink on your body, making you that much more interesting.
Face tattoos are as annoying as attention seeking females who post a million pics on IG. Attention seeking females on IG WITH a face tattoo is 10x worse.

I especially hate when people get "hypebeasts-ish." tattoos. Got the tattoo but have no idea what the meaning of it is. Like I cringe every time I see a black person with an elbow spiderweb tat. I understand that it has a few meanings but one of the most prevalent meanings is from the Aryan Nation. It symbolizes that a member has killed a black man, with the number of spiders in the web meaning how many they have killed. Even if it does have other meanings, why would you put that on your body?

I was under the impression that the web on elbow tat was simply showing you did time in prison, i.e. caught in a web.
I have a single tattoo on my right hand, my hand shaking hand. While it is not a face tattoo it is fully visible and I never try to hide it. Meet people from judges to politicians, they always comment on it. I got it because I was a bit rebellious when I was twenty one, just finished college, knew I would get a job somewhere. It hasn't stopped me from doing anything (currently law student working for a judge, at a law library and as a server in an upscale neighborhood). If I get a tattoo, it's a statement of me, and I will never hide me from the world. Don't think I would get a face tat until I'm like 50 and am just like "---- the world." I always feel like people who get elaborate tattoos just to have them hidden to anyone but their friends aren't confident in themselves, because honestly if you are confident in you, A) you're not going to get a generic tattoo B) your personality will outshine any bit of ink on your body, making you that much more interesting.

what is your hand tattoo?? post a pic or tell us.
I could care less if you want to make yourself look stupid

I still would have given him the change
Faci Via Tibi latin, rough translation "Make You're Own Path"

I get a lot of "Why'd you choose a compass? I always say "So I'll never lose myself." Clever the first time, annoying the 100th time, still clever.
Faci Via Tibi latin, rough translation "Make You're Own Path"

I get a lot of "Why'd you choose a compass? I always say "So I'll never lose myself." Clever the first time, annoying the 100th time, still clever.
nice idea. kept the word to my moms that i wouldnt get anything that couldnt be covered by clothes
So true. This is going to be HUGE biz in like 10 years. That and permanently deleting **** people have posted online.

Cyber footprint will never be gone, homie.

Never. Made me reevaluate some stuff in my life. :lol: (Shout out to #NT. :\)
I would never do the face tat.

I would do the michael scofield though (with half sleeves though).
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