I got BURNED....!!!!

Originally Posted by Michael Kelso

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by CrunchyBlack9

More did not read here

So from the title I am assuming you got the clap! 

I bet you thought you were funny with that post...

I chuckled...
as did i
It's really not that serious though. When I worked at Nathans I was 15 and stayed getting burned when I was cooking those fries. I mean, I'm sure you can go through all the trouble of getting a lawsuit, but even if you're successful you won't get much. A lot of jobs lack safety, whether by having unsafe working conditions or not informing employees of danger, but at least its a job, better than being unemployed.
Originally Posted by bims92

Well I didnt go to a hospital. From research its a second degree burn, about 3 inch mark and a quartered size blister. I'll live.

I wasnt looking for any crazy compensation from this, just wanted to know if there's anything major I should've done after the incident.

Thanks for the advice and members who gave it, I guess the lesson is know what you signed up for and be aware if you're getting the needed training/knowledge to do your job.

You can def. sue man, our head chef got burned last time and we had to give him a month off, fully paid with medical bills and everything lol.
I don't suggest it unless the owner is an *+##*%% and deserves it. but you should def show him and let him pay for your hospital visit. he has to do it. 
bro you sound like a baby.  you work in a kitchen, you will get burned and cut sometimes.  i'm willing to bet it was your fault too.  it's not like the fryer just throws grease.  you're not a man till you get a steam burn anyways.
  way worse than a grease burn.  sugar comes in second since it just sticks to you.  
It looks like your trying to make something outt've it.. It's your fault for not checking if the grill isn't hot before cleaning it IMO
So you weren't aware that you needed to tell someone that you got hurt while working on the job? Quit trying to play the system, its people like you who give hard working people a bad name. You got burned and it was your own fault, suck it up.
Came in here thinking you were putting some girl on blast, only to find out you deep fried your fap flexor muscle.

Stay away from the fries champ.
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Came in here thinking you were putting some girl on blast, only to find out you deep fried your fap flexor muscle.

Stay away from the fries champ.


Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

1st thing. go ask your boss and see what he says. if he brushes you off, see if you can get a free consultation from an atty who handles workers comp and workplace injury cases. that is probably your best bet.
But seriously, this.
It's not that big a deal OP. You got burned while cleaning the grill. Next time, use common sense. No need to go all Frank Grimes at work. That Zebra WAS funny for the record
Son I got burns on my arms from 2 years ago workin at McD's, just deal wit it. And that zebra was kindof funny...
They should have made you taken a first aid class as well as tell you what to do in case of an accident in the kitchen,cooking or cleaning.

The zebra was pretty funny.

bims92 wrote:
 I didnt say anything to my co-worker since the pain wasnt that drastic at that point and she probably couldnt do much (just us two).

that was your first mistake OP. this happened to a person atmy job. guy works in the back in production. he slams a heavy box on his foot.didnt say anything and went on with his business. two weeks go by and he didnttake care of it well and got gangrene and had to cut one of his toes off. hecame back to work and try to get money out of the company because the companydidnt want to do anything about it. they told him he should of reported itright there and then but he didnt. lawyers got involved and dude didnt win so now dude has no job, nomoney, and is missing a toe.
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