I got Cussed at

I also have know homeless people that are real cool. I know these brother that are homeless. One is 56 and the other man is 47. Some of yall might know them ifyou from Oakland. His name is Orchy and James Howe. I've known them since I was a kid, and Orchy offered my brother a quarter if he can hit a homerun,while he was watching us play baseball. As I got older, I would see Orchy drunk, yet he was always cool and never asked me for a dime. That's why I shoothim dollars when I have any left. It was funny though, cause he asked me if I was married yet?? I told him no, I'm still trying to find the one. Orchy toldme to send him an invitation when I get married, but I was thinking " how can I invite this man" he doesn't have an address. I 'm not eventrying to make of the situation, I was serious. Anyway, my experience hasn't ever been like this. Even in downtown or in the streets, dope fiends thatdon't get any change, they'll just keep it moving.
Originally Posted by Club29

after he said "you worthless B****" you shouldve just countered with "...said the bum"

That wouldve put him in his place
a homeless guy called me a g--k and started cusssin at me when I said I didnt have any change. smfh.
these guys deserve nothing.
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

I'm from Gary, IN...there have been times when I got cussed out for not lettin a fifty year old woman suck my %+%* for crack. No ducktales...anybody familiar with Gary knows what's up.

Just gettin called a @@%+! is very mild compared with the stuff I've heard from the bums and crackheads in my hometown.
Im sorry to hear that
I'm from Logan, Indiana
Kinda opposite of Gary. lol
Originally Posted by Rafool

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

I'm from Gary, IN...there have been times when I got cussed out for not lettin a fifty year old woman suck my %+%* for crack. No ducktales...anybody familiar with Gary knows what's up.

Just gettin called a @@%+! is very mild compared with the stuff I've heard from the bums and crackheads in my hometown.
Im sorry to hear that
I'm from Logan, Indiana
Kinda opposite of Gary. lol

i go to IU(bloomington) and travel to indianapolis and terre haute frequently. but i've always been warned to stay away from Gary...guess i know why now.
Originally Posted by dunks87

Originally Posted by Rafool

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

I'm from Gary, IN...there have been times when I got cussed out for not lettin a fifty year old woman suck my %+%* for crack. No ducktales...anybody familiar with Gary knows what's up.

Just gettin called a @@%+! is very mild compared with the stuff I've heard from the bums and crackheads in my hometown.
Im sorry to hear that
I'm from Logan, Indiana
Kinda opposite of Gary. lol

i go to IU(bloomington) and travel to indianapolis and terre haute frequently. but i've always been warned to stay away from Gary...guess i know why now.
got lost there once.....at night

called my pops and told him i was lost in gary, laughs and says i wouldn't wanna be in your shoes right now....thanks dad
Originally Posted by Rafool

Originally Posted by dunks87

Originally Posted by Rafool

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

I'm from Gary, IN...there have been times when I got cussed out for not lettin a fifty year old woman suck my %+%* for crack. No ducktales...anybody familiar with Gary knows what's up.

Just gettin called a @@%+! is very mild compared with the stuff I've heard from the bums and crackheads in my hometown.
Im sorry to hear that
I'm from Logan, Indiana
Kinda opposite of Gary. lol

i go to IU(bloomington) and travel to indianapolis and terre haute frequently. but i've always been warned to stay away from Gary...guess i know why now.
got lost there once.....at night

called my pops and told him i was lost in gary, laughs and says i wouldn't wanna be in your shoes right now....thanks dad

LOL at you bein lost in the GI...sucks for you buddy.

Crackheads really hate my brothers and his friends...they would go out on weekends and knock out the malebums/crackheads that asked them for change...for FUN. Even though that !!!% was wrong...some of the knockouts were funny as hell.
I wish I could findthe videos.

I'm so glad I don't live there anymore...if my granny and mom didn't live there, I would never even go toGary unless I'm headed to Chicago.
Couple weeks ago in a 7-11 some crazy homeless guy buying 40s starting talking !%%% to me. I turn around and I realize he's out of his mind, getting mad atme for trying to "steal his shadow." I just smiled at the cashier and kept my mouth shut.

It's sad when you think about it.
When I do have change on me, I try to help out bums. Can't say I've ever had one yell at me, but I have had a crazy crackhead get pissed off at aparking lot security guard, call him a female dog, and then come up to me laughing and pound my fist. His name was Taz, he hangs out up in Brentwood. Dudecakes outside the parking lots.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Couple weeks ago in a 7-11 some crazy homeless guy buying 40s starting talking !%%% to me. I turn around and I realize he's out of his mind, getting mad at me for trying to "steal his shadow." I just smiled at the cashier and kept my mouth shut.

It's sad when you think about it.
See, that's why I don't trip against people trying to steal my shadows, but this homeless man with one eye and limp came at me like "F you cause you didn't give me no change." I've never had that approach happen to me. If anything, he's really showing human nature, when youthink about it. People act violent when they don't get what they want, but people act cool if it goes their way.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Couple weeks ago in a 7-11 some crazy homeless guy buying 40s starting talking !%%% to me. I turn around and I realize he's out of his mind, getting mad at me for trying to "steal his shadow." I just smiled at the cashier and kept my mouth shut.

It's sad when you think about it.
homie needs help for real
Allow me to type a quick story...

I remember when I was goin' to school in Chicago, this BIG $$+ dude (Had to have been like 6'5" 275 lbs) was askin' for change. I had myheadphones in and just kinda kept staring straight ahead as I went along the sidewalk. Next thing I know, somebody is tappin' then grabbing my shoulderfrom behind. And I turn around like "The +@*+...?" and here's this big $$+ homeless guy towering over me. Dude hits me with the "Why the+@*+ can't you give me no change! I know you speak English, motha %$!$*+! I need money to go visit my kids in the hospital!" I just kinda stared atdude like "Nice try with that lie..." and kept it movin'.

So fast forward to later that night, me and my boy were doin a late-night 7-11 run (Across the street from MPP for those familiar), and we were grabbin'some more beer and snacks. Who walks through the door, but this big $$+ homeless guy again. And I'm thinkin "Aw man, this dude is gonna recognize meand just snap and dent my face in..." Dude walks in drunk as hell, obviously not needing the money for some damn kids of his in a hospital. Thisparticular 7-11 got the coolest homeless dude who actually lives in the back stock room (My man STAYS watchin' Scooby Doo VHS tapes back there all day andnight). He goes by the name of Bulldog and is basically unofficial "security." So the Middle Eastern cashier dude calls on Bulldog to come up frontto deal with this big ol' drunken homeless guy. My dude Bulldog doesn't even hesitate and goes behind the counter and grabs a god damn lead pipe andwalks up to dude like he was bout to swing for the fences...
They get into a yelling match, swearing all over the place at the top of their lungs infront of all these customers, and I thought they were just gonna fight to the death in the middle of the 7-11...
Eventually the tall dude just stumblesback out onto the streets and disappears into the night. Definitely one of the better homeless encounters from my days in Chicago.
Originally Posted by PUSHA x Vinsanity

Allow me to type a quick story...

I remember when I was goin' to school in Chicago, this BIG $$+ dude (Had to have been like 6'5" 275 lbs) was askin' for change. I had my headphones in and just kinda kept staring straight ahead as I went along the sidewalk. Next thing I know, somebody is tappin' then grabbing my shoulder from behind. And I turn around like "The +@*+...?" and here's this big $$+ homeless guy towering over me. Dude hits me with the "Why the +@*+ can't you give me no change! I know you speak English, motha %$!$*+! I need money to go visit my kids in the hospital!" I just kinda stared at dude like "Nice try with that lie..." and kept it movin'.

So fast forward to later that night, me and my boy were doin a late-night 7-11 run (Across the street from MPP for those familiar), and we were grabbin' some more beer and snacks. Who walks through the door, but this big $$+ homeless guy again. And I'm thinkin "Aw man, this dude is gonna recognize me and just snap and dent my face in..." Dude walks in drunk as hell, obviously not needing the money for some damn kids of his in a hospital. This particular 7-11 got the coolest homeless dude who actually lives in the back stock room (My man STAYS watchin' Scooby Doo VHS tapes back there all day and night). He goes by the name of Bulldog and is basically unofficial "security." So the Middle Eastern cashier dude calls on Bulldog to come up front to deal with this big ol' drunken homeless guy. My dude Bulldog doesn't even hesitate and goes behind the counter and grabs a god damn lead pipe and walks up to dude like he was bout to swing for the fences...
They get into a yelling match, swearing all over the place at the top of their lungs in front of all these customers, and I thought they were just gonna fight to the death in the middle of the 7-11...
Eventually the tall dude just stumbles back out onto the streets and disappears into the night. Definitely one of the better homeless encounters from my days in Chicago.
Unofficial Security???????

them 7-11 dudes is straight pimpin, having Bulldog on guard all day.
Yall don't want me to get into other homeless story cause I seen a homelessman that gave me a second epiphany in life.
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