I got pulled over by Undercover cops today(Dorchester, Boston)

May 31, 2005
So me and two of my boys one is black and one is white got pulled over today by these undercover cops behind us, basically traffic was heavy

and I was stuck in a number of red lights, and any driver knows when you get that feeling like when its your turn to pass the light suddenly goes

from green to red, well I was in the middle of the intersection at the yellow light, and when it turned red i drove forward. Next thing I know these

blue lights come out of nowhare 3 white cops in hoodies and I pull over licence/ registration etc, then they ask me what am i doing in Dorchester,

if I go to school,...then he asks me if i've got anything in the car that shouldnt be there and out
of noware my friend who is the back seat pulls down his window and they aske him for his height, eye color and name, and say the reason is "if he
has a complain't his info is taken" which is bull 2 me cause i think they thought we were makin some kind of drug transaction cause two young blk

teens and one white teen was in a car in a bad part of boston
i think i was close to being pulled over by an undercover patrolman while making a roadtrip once. i was going about 80mph (that's normal speed, since therewas like no one else on the road) on the far left lane (on a 3 lane highway). a guy pulls up behind me and tails me for like 5 minutes, then decides i was tooslow so tries to pass on my right. i got bored so i decided to speed up to almost 100mph to not let him pass. the guy in the car looks over at me when he pullseven with my car (i drive a crappy #!# car) and gives me the "+$!" look. i decided not to waste my gas so i just smiled, shrugged my shoulders andslowed down. he pulls in front of me and flashes these special "hidden" lights in his rear window.
Originally Posted by LIQI2345

So me and two of my boys one is black and one is white got pulled over today by these undercover cops behind us, basically traffic was heavy

and I was stuck in a number of red lights, and any driver knows when you get that feeling like when its your turn to pass the light suddenly goes

from green to red, well I was in the middle of the intersection at the yellow light, and when it turned red i drove forward. Next thing I know these

blue lights come out of nowhare 3 white cops in hoodies and I pull over licence/ registration etc, then they ask me what am i doing in Dorchester,

if I go to school,...then he asks me if i've got anything in the car that shouldnt be there and out
of noware my friend who is the back seat pulls down his window and they aske him for his height, eye color and name, and say the reason is "if he
has a complain't his info is taken" which is bull 2 me cause i think they thought we were makin some kind of drug transaction cause two young blk

teens and one white teen was in a car in a bad part of boston

get a blog
Originally Posted by yamakazi18

i think i was close to being pulled over by an undercover patrolman while making a roadtrip once. i was going about 80mph (that's normal speed, since there was like no one else on the road) on the far left lane (on a 3 lane highway). a guy pulls up behind me and tails me for like 5 minutes, then decides i was too slow so tries to pass on my right. i got bored so i decided to speed up to almost 100mph to not let him pass. the guy in the car looks over at me when he pulls even with my car (i drive a crappy #!# car) and gives me the "+$!" look. i decided not to waste my gas so i just smiled, shrugged my shoulders and slowed down. he pulls in front of me and flashes these special "hidden" lights in his rear window.
To be fair, what WERE you doing in Dorchester? That is assuming none of you live there...
wait til summer...jumpouts don't hesitate...i DESPISE themdudes...esp when they 4 deep with red sox hoodies and hats on like we wont notice them

at this point i gotta make detours around the city to avoid going up hancock st /columbia rd - they jumped out on me daily over there last summer
man when I went back up there for the summer these dudes ran like some triangle offense formation on my and my mans..talking bout I.d and curfew and allthat....has it gotten worse up there?
^ it's gotten way worse in boston altogether. little kids carrying burners talking about the hood they rep.

i live in cambridge and i will tell you over the past 5 years, @#*+ has gone downhill.

a couple weeks ago a young off duty cop (mide to late 20's) pulls up next to my boys whip. me, him and another kid in the back. the cop and the driverstart talking cuz they know each other. then, he looks in the back and asks who's that. meaning my boy. the kid tells him his name and the jerk startstalkng reckless. "so you're the one that likes to jump undercover cops."

at that point my boy started going off on him. ready to whip his *!+. the funny thing is, this kid wasn't even involved in anything. then, a couple weekslater, dude gets arrested for taking GPS from cars. something else he didn't do.
You should have told him you cool with Rediculouslyballin the hood knows me. Cops pull me over they look at the id and they say "Sorry Wrong Pull OverPlease Dont Report Me To Lieut".
Happens to me all the time in Atlanta.

When you drive....remember...someone is always watching
why do i never hear good things about boston besides their sports teams?? Obviously thats a place im in no hurry to visit.
Originally Posted by the821empire

why do i never hear good things about boston besides their sports teams?? Obviously thats a place im in no hurry to visit.

Chills. This cat is talking about Dorchester.

Boston is a good city, just stay away from Mattapan, Roxbury, and most parts of Dorchester.

Every city has their bad parts.
Originally Posted by yamakazi18

i think i was close to being pulled over by an undercover patrolman while making a roadtrip once. i was going about 80mph (that's normal speed, since there was like no one else on the road) on the far left lane (on a 3 lane highway). a guy pulls up behind me and tails me for like 5 minutes, then decides i was too slow so tries to pass on my right. i got bored so i decided to speed up to almost 100mph to not let him pass. the guy in the car looks over at me when he pulls even with my car (i drive a crappy #!# car) and gives me the "+$!" look. i decided not to waste my gas so i just smiled, shrugged my shoulders and slowed down. he pulls in front of me and flashes these special "hidden" lights in his rear window.

cop should have gave u a ticket. why u being a !#*++ and not letting him pass if there was no one on the road. i hate !#*++ driver like you!
Me and my boys got pulled over by a Navigator b4. 5 guys in suits hopped out and searched us, they didnt have anything on us so they just kept it movin
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