I got two bags of top ramen noodles, how can i turn this into a meal? EDIT: video posted pg 1

nobody said put some hot sauce? add some chili powder and you set
1. Boil Water
2. Throw in raw noodles
3. Add flavoring
4. Throw in whatever extra ingredients you want
5. While still boiling, throw in the egg, scrambled or not it doesn't matter.
6. Stir so the egg cooks from the heat of the boiling water

7. Serve
Originally Posted by dyzzle

nobody said put some hot sauce? add some chili powder and you set

Yea don't forget to put the hot sauce in there. Makes it taste a lot better imo.

And I don't mean to threadjack but I'm just curious, when you guys cook ramen noodles, y'all put the all of the flavoring into the pot?

Lately whenever I cook them I just put the like half the flavoring and it taste practically the same to me.
Lol I can't believe I just watched that. Pretty funny but you should have at least cut up the ham

I've been rollin' with ramen noodles alot recently as well because I just bought my World Cup tickets and now I'm saving for airfare and whatnot.
what i do is

1. boil water
2. throw in noodles
3. once noodles are cooked (some people like the noodles more cooked and others less), drain the water from the pot and spray the noodles with sink water.
4. boil more water (how much ever soup that you want)
5. cook the meat & veggies. i usually put beef balls, bok choi, and either beef or chicken meat
6. add flavoring to the water once it's boiled
7. put the noodles in a bowl, then the veggies&meat, then finally the soup.

you can also put in some onions, parsley, and cilantro to give it an herb smell or a wedge of lime. eat with sriracha
LOL W-T-F never seen a lonesome as$ stove all solitary in the middle of the kitchen like that

A-YOOO son I borrowed mad money for school....like 2 thousand...ima pay dat i$h back doe
Originally Posted by BustaDimes

what i do is

1. boil water
2. throw in noodles
3. once noodles are cooked (some people like the noodles more cooked and others less), drain the water from the pot and spray the noodles with sink water.
4. boil more water (how much ever soup that you want)
5. cook the meat & veggies. i usually put beef balls, bok choi, and either beef or chicken meat
6. add flavoring to the water once it's boiled
7. put the noodles in a bowl, then the veggies&meat, then finally the soup.

you can also put in some onions, parsley, and cilantro to give it an herb smell or a wedge of lime. eat with sriracha
This man knows
Originally Posted by RED FLAG

LOL W-T-F never seen a lonesome as$ stove all solitary in the middle of the kitchen like that

A-YOOO son I borrowed mad money for school....like 2 thousand...ima pay dat i$h back doe
hell i aint never see a kitchen / laundry room / dining room all in ONE ROOM
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