I have class in 4 hours... To sleep or not to sleep, that is the question.


if you sleep now, you probably won't wake up til later tonight
Sleep cycles are 90 minutes. Sleep for 3 hours, workout a little to get ya senses back and you'll be good to go.
sleep. just don't forget to put the alarm clock far enough so you won't put it off unconsciously
Wait so do you have to wake up in four hours or does the class actually start in four hours? I think that makes a difference.
Do you have a test or just class?

If you have class then definitely sleep and just wake up with a little extra time to get there.
If you have a final and have been studying then definitely sleep, but just not for too long. Wake up with time to eat something quick so you'll be a little more rested for the test, but not still half asleep.
I would say sleep...

However, if your housing is situated too far from campus, and your class starts at exactly 2, don't do it.

If, however, you are right near your class and it doesn't start until say 2:30, then do it.

Can you be late? Are there any finals on the horizon? Is attendance counted?

Many factors play into whether you should sleep or not.
If you can afford to miss it then skip it. Sleeping through a class you know you can miss is one of the best feelings in the world.
I ended up falling asleep at 8am til 12pm. My class started at 11:45 and it takes me 25-30mins to get to school, and I still had to find parking. I was only in class for less than 15 minutes. I signed in on the roll sheet and took some notes. Luckily, the prof went over chapter14 and didn't start the review for the final yet.

What should I do to get my sleeping pattern back? I'm at home now
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