I JUST DIDNT KNOW that you didnt know how.

Alright I have two.

I can't make bubbles when chewing bubblegum.

And I suck at whistling, it comes out once in a while lol.

But funny story, when playing ball we always send someone to go to the store to buy some gallons of water.The store is a couple of blocks away, so I told my friend to
borrow the bike, but he said no. I told him it would be faster, just throw the gallons on the bookbag. But he wouldn't. Then he said he couldn't ride a bike and we all cracked on him..
Alright I have two.

I can't make bubbles when chewing bubblegum.

And I suck at whistling, it comes out once in a while lol.

But funny story, when playing ball we always send someone to go to the store to buy some gallons of water.The store is a couple of blocks away, so I told my friend to
borrow the bike, but he said no. I told him it would be faster, just throw the gallons on the bookbag. But he wouldn't. Then he said he couldn't ride a bike and we all cracked on him..
True story, one time, the final straw for my mom was that I didn't know how to mail a letter the snail way
. She got to cussing and fussing, calling me a horrible student (I was 16 and a junior
), told me that was evidence that I never did !!+% in school, and everything of that nature. I mean... I tried to deflect it by saying, "I haven't mailed an actual letter since email was invented",. but she wasn't going. It was like everey little reason to think I was a bad son got validated in the fact that I couldn't do something as simple as mail a letter. I almost got kicked out of the house

Spoiler [+]
I still can't mail a letter. So take that mom! HA! Rest in peace and all...but you had that "HA!" coming, shoot....
True story, one time, the final straw for my mom was that I didn't know how to mail a letter the snail way
. She got to cussing and fussing, calling me a horrible student (I was 16 and a junior
), told me that was evidence that I never did !!+% in school, and everything of that nature. I mean... I tried to deflect it by saying, "I haven't mailed an actual letter since email was invented",. but she wasn't going. It was like everey little reason to think I was a bad son got validated in the fact that I couldn't do something as simple as mail a letter. I almost got kicked out of the house

Spoiler [+]
I still can't mail a letter. So take that mom! HA! Rest in peace and all...but you had that "HA!" coming, shoot....
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by scshift

Ride a bike
Wash dishes (can't do this)
Wash clothes (can't do this either)
Must be white

Dudes on campus used to be on the phone w/ the moms like "Ok mom, what do I do next?"
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by scshift

Ride a bike
Wash dishes (can't do this)
Wash clothes (can't do this either)
Must be white

Dudes on campus used to be on the phone w/ the moms like "Ok mom, what do I do next?"
my ex couldnt work a dishwasher 

i showed her how, but she always did them by hand 

i still cant understand how people cant work a dishwasher or do laundry, must have parents who do everything for them
my ex couldnt work a dishwasher 

i showed her how, but she always did them by hand 

i still cant understand how people cant work a dishwasher or do laundry, must have parents who do everything for them
Some of these are too funny. A lil shocking with some of these tho. A kid in elementary didn't know how to jump rope too so when he tried he took the name to heart and literally was jumping back and forth over the rope while it was on the floor
Whole gym class couldn't believe what he was doing.

Another thing is anything dealing with tools. Some ppl don't know the difference between a screwdriver and a wrench. I just be thinking how screwed they'd be trying to change a flat tire or something. In college this one guy thought the spare in the back of his car was for style. Like that 5th wheel is there for show

If you aint learning these things from your parents, tv should be teaching you. That's how I learned to wash my own clothes and I'm talking from sit-coms n shh.
Some of these are too funny. A lil shocking with some of these tho. A kid in elementary didn't know how to jump rope too so when he tried he took the name to heart and literally was jumping back and forth over the rope while it was on the floor
Whole gym class couldn't believe what he was doing.

Another thing is anything dealing with tools. Some ppl don't know the difference between a screwdriver and a wrench. I just be thinking how screwed they'd be trying to change a flat tire or something. In college this one guy thought the spare in the back of his car was for style. Like that 5th wheel is there for show

If you aint learning these things from your parents, tv should be teaching you. That's how I learned to wash my own clothes and I'm talking from sit-coms n shh.
Folding your tongue.
I dont understand why some people cant do this

Than I hit them with the
and their mind=blown.

I cant whistle
Folding your tongue.
I dont understand why some people cant do this

Than I hit them with the
and their mind=blown.

I cant whistle
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