I Just got robbed

Sep 27, 2008

I was at the bus station with my ipod, and this !%$@# comes up to me and snatches it and throws it to the floor, at that moment I thought he knew me, and wanted to fight me, so I stepped up to him and he picked up my ipod and then 5 other *%%*+@ come up to me and got his back, they must of been crips for saying cuz all the time, at that time they all surrounded me and it was basically 6 against 1, and I about to get jumped, went up to me and said they was going to jump me if I was going to do something...
Damn, I mean this is the first time I been jacked, and I feel like I could of fought the !%$@#, but I obviously would of gotten jumped..
I know his name, where go goes to school, and his grade, I don't feel like filing a police report but getting back at him, but if I go to that school that's putting myself in legal trouble..
What should I do? I don't know what anyone else would of done in a situation like that.
SNITCH on him. Ain't no way someone I know gonna rob me and get away with it!!! Forget some street cred. Dudes need to grow up!

EDIT ... I was so angry after reading this I made a few typing errors.
Originally Posted by dopestop


I was at the bus station with my ipod, and this !%$@# comes up to me and snatches it and throws it to the floor, at that moment I thought he knew me, and wanted to fight me, so I stepped up to him and he picked up my ipod and then 5 other *%%*+@ come up to me and got his back, they must of been crips for saying cuz all the time, at that time they all surrounded me and it was basically 6 against 1, and I about to get jumped, went up to me and said they was going to jump me if I was going to do something...
Damn, I mean this is the first time I been jacked, and I feel like I could of fought the !%$@#, but I obviously would of gotten jumped..
I know his name, where go goes to school, and his grade, I don't feel like filing a police report but getting back at him, but if I go to that school that's putting myself in legal trouble..
What should I do? I don't know what anyone else would of done in a situation like that.
I would have filed a police report.

But because this is NT, you would have made a thread. You did the right thing.
thats a dilemma =\

because if you get him back, he will just get you back, and harder, and these cowards eventually will pull out guns

i say jus file a police report
NT stays gettin robbed like no other. Go to his school and do the same !%!$ back, be creative, you know more about the situation than us.
go to the police and forget that stupidity of no snitching. Make those %++%@%* pay
Why dude throw it to the ground then pick it back up and take it as opposed to just taking it? Thats stupid as *!%+ cause he coulda damaged the ipod.

Gut a gun.
damn dats crazy but I really don't kno, I mean u can retaliate in many ways but I don't think ther is a clean way to end this, bcuz some of thosecoward Ns are quiock to take others' lives ova stupid %$^$&^ that they started
You've took a few L's in this situation..

1st L - getting robbed
2nd L - getting robbed by [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]c[/color]rips
3rd L - giving up your stuff without fighting.. it doesn't matter if you gonna get jumped, as long as they ain't have a gun, you should've foughtback


Originally Posted by AJ fanatic

SNITCH on him. Ain't know way someone I know gonna rob me and get away with it!!! Forget some street cred. Dude's need to grow up!

I know, just report it. Street cred means nothing.
did you get a pretty good look at all of the hoods faces? if so, you should then illustrate them on microsoft paint. pm me, and i'll send it to someone whowill then send it to the proper authorities. you're in good hands with NT.
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