I just saw a fly fall outta the air and die...

Originally Posted by 03silverbullet

lil smitty wrote:

03silverbullet wrote:

reminds me of this video i saw where this bird was thought to have flown into a UFO using a cloaking device. i don't know if the bird died, but it was
interesting seeing it fly into this invisible…………something, then fall out of the sky.

That was in "Signs" bro...

oh was that in SIGNS, damn.

I was reading that like "damn, that sure sounds like Signs"
Originally Posted by SeekoGT

And I never saw anything just fall and die like that. I thought it was kinda odd and I wanted to share....

So when was the last time you something die?

happens everyday when they rush the bathroom to get the after taste of my wrath....
Originally Posted by 03silverbullet

Originally Posted by lil smitty

Originally Posted by 03silverbullet

reminds me of this video i saw where this bird was thought to have flown into a UFO using a cloaking device. i don't know if the bird died, but it was interesting seeing it fly into this invisible…………something, then fall out of the sky.

That was in "Signs" bro...
oh was that in SIGNS, damn.
Originally Posted by thagreatj

Originally Posted by 03silverbullet

Originally Posted by lil smitty

Originally Posted by 03silverbullet

reminds me of this video i saw where this bird was thought to have flown into a UFO using a cloaking device. i don't know if the bird died, but it was interesting seeing it fly into this invisible…………something, then fall out of the sky.

That was in "Signs" bro...
oh was that in SIGNS, damn.

Ahh man that really has me here laughing 5am in the morning.
There are only 3 possible explanations:

1. It had some sort of heart attack.
2. It saw your face.
3. It saw your face.

On a side note, I once hit a fly out of mid-air with a rubberband that I shot with my finger. It was sooo sick cuz I actually aimed and meant to hit it, feltlike I was one of the dudes on those ESPN hunting shows.
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