I Just Saw A Stat ... SMH

May 9, 2009
"41% of all pregnancies in DC end in abortion" ... ... ... ... ... i dont care if youre pro-life pro-choice or whatever, thats a disgrace ...
I believe it. I guess thats better than having a baby and not being able to financially support it. The bigger problem to me is the amount of inprotected sexand the transmittion of STDs. cuz u know 1 out of 3 have HIV in DC. imagine what other dieseases are flying around
http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/o...because-its-residents-are-black-50940432.htmlStraightform the Washington Examiner ... http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php
[h1]Durbin: DC tops in abortion because its residents are black (UPDATE: Audio included)[/h1][h3]By: David Freddoso
Commentary Staff Writer
07/16/09 9:27 AM EDT[/h3]
In a committee markup last week, Sen. %@+! Durbin(D-Ill.) said that residents of the District of Columbiahave a disproportionately large number of abortions becauseD.C. is disproportionately African-American.

In our nation's capital, 41 percent of all pregnancies end inabortion, twice the national average given by the Guttmacher Institute. Democrats in Congress are pushing to legalize taxpayer funding for non-lifesavingabortions in DC, which is currently prohibited by federal law and opposed by most Americans.

Audio of Durbin's comments is here

The issue arose last Thursday when the Senate Appropriations Committee took up the bill that funds the federal district. Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.)invoking President Bill Clinton's formulation that abortion should be "safe, legal and rare," asked why Congress should pursue a policy that willmake abortion even more common in D.C. than it already is.

"Forty-one percent of pregnancies -- that's not rare," he said. "We do not need to have more abortions in the District ofColumbia."

Durbin's reply to this point -- and Brownback's interruption of him -- follows below.

Durbin: In terms of safe, legal and rare, to the Senator from Kansas, I will tell you two things. First, it is afact that a disproportionately large number of African Americans seek abortion in America, not just in the District of Columbia, but all across the nation.

Brownback: 41 percent?

Durbin: No, but it's also a fact that a disproportionately large number of African Americans live in theDistrict of Columbia.

Brownback: 41 percent?

Durbin: I'm telling you, look at the numbers.

Brownback: I'm telling -- I'm just asking you, aren't there enough [abortions] here?

Durbin: Look at the numbers, and you will find this to be true.

Brownback: This -- this is not high enough?

Brownback's amendment to preserve the ban on taxpayer-funded abortions in D.C. failed, 13-15. The underlying bill still bans the use of federal money byD.C. for abortion, but this is essentially meaningless -- money is fungible and D.C. can simply shift it to different uses by source.

Brownback said during the markup that in 1994, before the ban was in place, D.C. shifted $1 million away from a fund for AIDS patients and shifted it tofund abortions.

UPDATE: Audio of Durbin's comments is here.

Sad ... But there is a funny note ... NT took abbreviation of "Richard" to be a bad word so it messed up +*+% Durbin's name
Originally Posted by Buddha with Blazers

The bigger problem to me is the amount of inprotected sex and the transmittion of STDs. cuz u know 1 out of 3 have HIV in DC. imagine what other dieseases are flying around
And that's the thing.

Broads don't be caring yung...

Immediate turn off for me...
^^^^^^It's the youngins, they don't care.

I can imagine how things would be if girls were this loose in the 90's.

For there to be a 41% abortion rate, I still see kids with kids in the city on the regular.
ARe these stats strictly for the black community? Cuz that seems really high if it is all encompassing...

No offense to anyone
I can imagine how things would be if girls were this loose in the 90's.
Don't sleep ... I think the 90's is where it started ... chicks started blazin' like dudes and popin' them 'thangs' and Ican honestly say that the first time I heard about a 2 girl on one dude party was back when I graduated HS ... blaze, drink, and pillz were what started it allIMO ... chicks got real uninhibited when that lifestyle became mainstream ... the idea about protection went right out the window
Now. Where I live...semi uptownish i suppose (off 16th St a few blocks form Columbia heights)... buncha young latinas with babies that go to Bell MulticulturalSchool and Just talking to people around, there are a bunch more who go and have abortions as well., so that 41% @!@ isn't all black. The majority might befrom young african american women, but not the whole damn 41%

shame nonetheless
Kinda messed up but I think they need to put that money into providing birth control for these lil girls. If they gonna have unprotected sex and transmitdiseases, there is no point in raising the abortion rate or have a bunch of kids raising kids too.
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