I know NT loves News Anchor Screw ups. Wait for it .

Keep What?
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

i'd do that on purpose [color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]once and a while[/color] if i was a news anchor.  don't say anything bad, just stuff way out of left field. 

Due to the text in blue, the text in red will never occur.
English proficiency is a job requirement
due to cwrite already pointing that out, and me not editing it means i don't give a damn.
my english proficiency on nt is a minimal concern at best.
Was that his last day?

Local news needs to be more like that though.. That #@$* is unbearably depressing only stories my local news does are the bad stories
Originally Posted by Essential1

Was that his last day?

Local news needs to be more like that though.. That #@$* is unbearably depressing only stories my local news does are the bad stories

I'm saying! Dude must've hit the numbers or something.

So much victory in the thread!
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