I legitimately think that I have ADHD...and it sucks man.

It seems I have a severe case
mom ain't around to smack me in the head
but ill stay away from meds

need an addy connect tho
Say what.
Man that just described my life. I was diagnosed with ADHD in high school took meds for bout a month then said **** it. I've been struggling ever since. I tried to reach out to the disability center at school, but they never emailed back. Idk man, I always think I'll do right but it's always the same. I can't even talk to my parents about it, they don't think it's a real disability. Maybe it isn't.

i have ADHD but my fam and doctors dont want me to take addy

so i been dealing it with "naturally" i guess ive gotten to accept that maybe i am just looking for a cop out

whereas all my friends who have "it" are usually just full of BS

a lot of people just say ADHD is just being young :rolleyes
Eh we all have a percentage of it.

I can't play a game of 2K without pausing it and surfing the web.
Get out of the habit the same way you got into it. Once you start being productive with your time you will develop a daily rhythm. That's how I got out of my funk. There's nothing wrong with just lounging at from time to time. Just don't make it a daily routine.
1) First get of NT, FB, Youtube, any websites that distracts you.
2) Get rid of your TV in your room.
3) Get yourself a single dorm room close to the library if you are on campus --> set up study hours
4) Set up an appointment with your academic adviser ASAP
5) Buy yourself a damb calender notebook with the days having one hour increments so you fit all the stuff you have to due for that particular day like study from 5-7pm, do homework 7-9pm, gym 9-10pm, wake up 8 - every little thing map that ***** out so you can keep track of the time.
6) Get a dang tutor and use the office hours for stuff you don't get.
7) Do the work/paper one week in advance so you have time for the writing center (assuming you guys have one) and professor/classmates to give you their feedback
8. Read/study the information before the class lecture
9) Record the damb lecture and take good notes
10) Taking notes on your laptop but get distracted by the internet, turn off the damb internet or use the old fashion pen and paper
11) Sit in the front of the class, harder to sleep when you are sitting in the front of the class
12) Throw the depressing attitude out the door, that attitude will bring you no where
13) Count your freaking blessings dude, not everyone can go to college so you better stop being depressed and keep grinding it out until you gave it your all
It's time to either put up or shut up OP

This right here is some of the best advice in this thread I 100 percent agree. In addition, to following the steps above I would suggest paying the school doc a visit but before they put you on any prescriptions try what my dude above posted. I think these steps above are good for every college student.
I have major ADHD as well, and it sucks because I refuse to use Adderall or those types of medications. I know I will get hooked for sure and it will lead me to meth or something. I just can't do it.

I cannot sit still, man. I have to get up and walk around frequently and I can't stay focused even on things I enjoy doing. I literally did about 10 hours of homework during all of high school :smh:

Weed is the only thing that's helped me, but I'm taking a break from it and my mind and body have be all over the place recently :frown:
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