I literally "LOL" every time I see this pic....if you don't, then you just don't know funny

Originally Posted by Sno Nuff

How is this allowed on NT
? This is blantant racism and it's not even funny.
And reported, IDC if you call me a snitch or whatever but racism like this shouldn't get a pass reguardless of the situation.
It was simply a joke and was not meant to be offensive.

I'm sorry you took it that way.

og pic was corny, kid laughin gif was corny/staged (just at how hard he grills the camera....pushin his chest forward, actin real hard)

missing kids was not funny

kobe had me rollin just cuz he looks all left out. i cant stand that weasel lookin rat

1st time i read the clown one had me laughin tho (can be droppped almost netime then i guess)
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