"I Love SF2 I Just Really Hate Zangief/ Only Ken and Ryu, I Find It hard To Beat Blanka"

Why they had to make the black dude sorry [Balrog] son was straight garbage.
He wasn't that bad to use, IMO...

What mad it worse tho was that his OG name on SF2 was "M. Bison" on the Japanese version...

I believe "Balrog" was Vega's name, and "Vega" was M. Bison's name... if I'm not mistaken...

From what I heard, they switched around the names when the U.S. version of SF2 release because they didn't wanna lawsuit from Mike Tyson the boxer or hispeople because of the similarities (the name M. Tyson ~ M. Bison, and the fact they were both black boxers that lookedidentical...)
Balrog was one of the four best characters in Super Turbo. CvS1 he was really good too. Wasn't bad in Hyper Fighting but wasn't great.

Won't deny that he's sorry in Alpha 3 and CvS2 though.
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