I need help, this guy wants to borrow my shoes for a Footlocker Magazine. Should I?

May 3, 2009
I need your guys help on this one. There's this guy I know that works for Footlocker and is supposedly chosen to be featured in some sort of Footlocker magazine for being an employee. I'm not really close friends with this dude but I hoop with him occasionally and he plugs me since he works at Footlocker. Well today he asked me to borrow some of my shoes for his magazine picture because he knows I have heat. I really am a nice guy and love to help people out but I just think it's wack that he wants to borrow my shoes and use it for a picture to have people think it's his shoes. I even told him that you should be proud of the shoes you have and the picture wouldn't be as special if you are using shoes that aren't yours. Am I wrong? What would you do?
inb4 megatron
I agree he should use his own shoes.
But if he's going to help you out in the future then I don't think it's a big deal letting him borrow your heat.
That depends on how strong of a homie he is to you though.
lol. I don't need the money and I want to help him out but I also just want him to keep it real. It would annoy me if he starts posting stuff on Facebook and Twitter saying these shoes are his.
If you get early releases at retail, holds your pairs with no prob, allows you to use his discount, the yes. Otherwise, nah bruh
He kind of plugs. He doesn't work at like House of Hoops or anything but he can just hold general release shoes for me like the Cements or Concords coming out so I don't have to wait in line but it's stuff I could easily get on NDC.
Get some collateral, tell him to give you a certain amount of money to cover just in case he tries to jack you.
Let him borrow them if you see him coming in clutch for u in the future(discounts, holds, playing basketball).
Don't if he not gonna be beneficial to you.
He better not wear em.
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Rent them to him... $10 a pair...

this or do it for free and hold it over his head for life
KayCurrency wrote:
Rent them to him... $10 a pair...
If you end up doing it, you might as well do this, but it also depends on how tight you are with him. Personally I wouldn't like someone frontin with my kicks like its theirs. 

you sound like a girl. he hooks it up with a discount on kicks, help him out.
NO! If you can go with him and watch the photo shoot the whole time, then ok. Wait...that didn't sound right...
footlocker doesnt have a magazine..
why would he get picked to be in supposed magazine if he doesnt have heat of his own

you sound young, dont be afraid to tell people no - but i have a feeling youre going to learn the hardway on this one..
Originally Posted by iYen

inb4 megatron
I agree he should use his own shoes.
But if he's going to help you out in the future then I don't think it's a big deal letting him borrow your heat.
That depends on how strong of a homie he is to you though.
came in to say this
NT'ers just dont learn.

Tell him to give you something to hold on to while he holds on to your shoes.

... ' member what happened to henz0.

jus sayin.......
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