I need help with my computers router

Aug 15, 2005
i have a home network setup to my laptop,and it has been running fine for like 3 years.
and the other day i got a new laptop and hooked it up to my router it was running fine for like 10 min and then both laptops lost internet,
could any one give me a little insight,is it the laptop or the router could there be a problem with one being Windows 7 and the other is Windows Vista
i have a home network setup to my laptop,and it has been running fine for like 3 years.
and the other day i got a new laptop and hooked it up to my router it was running fine for like 10 min and then both laptops lost internet,
could any one give me a little insight,is it the laptop or the router could there be a problem with one being Windows 7 and the other is Windows Vista
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