I Need Some Advice NT Fambz

Jul 7, 2011
So I recently put a pair of shoes on craigslist. The reason I used CL is so I could get cash and not have to deal with paypal and I wouldn't have to ship the shoes. These are the e-mails a buyer sent me.
"Thanks for your mail,I locate in Arkansas.I am an oceanographer and am currently on sea for a business trip... i am buying the item as a gift for my Cousin, i want to make it a surprise for Cousin,my Cousin wont know anything about the item until the get delivered to my Cousin, i can only pay through pay pal as i don't have access to my bank account online as i don't have internet banking,but i have my bank account attached to my pay pal account and this is why i insisted on paying you through pay pal,So pls kindly get back to me with your pay pal email so i can proceed with the payment and after the payment has been done, i have a pick up agent that will come around to pick the item up after i have made the payments for the item and also get back to me with your personal email so that my shipping agent can contact you concerning the pick up.......Greetings"

After I sent the invoice I recieve this

Thanks so much for getting back to me....I am about to send the payment to your PayPal account and as I have told you that i have a shipper that will come for the pick up of the item from you, but the shipper don't use PayPal, all they use is Western Union to pay them and i am trying to send the money online but it's not going through and I am on the sea there is no way i can find a western union agent to make the transfer to my pick up agent, so i wanted to ask if it will be OK for me to include my pickup agent's fees together with your payments through your PayPal Account, So you will help me wire the pick up fee to them via western Union Money Transfer immediately i pay you.I don't mean to bother you I'm sure you understand that I'm presently on the sea and there is nothing i can do to that.The bottom line is after I have made the payment into your PayPal account , you will help me wire my pick up agent fee to them through western union money transfer, I just wanted to seek your consent before going ahead with the payments The sum of $200 will be added to the payment that will be send to you, $150 is going to be for the shipper, while the remaining $50 will be the Western Union fee to send the shipper's fee to them. so, I will like you to get the shipper's fee send to them via Western Union as soon as you receive the payment confirmation in your PayPal email account.

Best Regard"

Idk I'm just leary of dudes story especially after this last e-mail. What do you think NT should I do it? I live in Indiana BTW.
You can't be that gullible...if I see a wall of text as a first reply to an inquiry I don't even bother reading that **** because that's the structure of a clear CL scam.....dude is an oceonagrapher :rofl: but his priority is to get his cousin some kicks :lol:
Yes you should have known when he wanted to pay your asking price... Are you serious?
I say you do it...and after he sends u the money u disappear ... Scam the scammer karma is on your side
"...pay through pay pal as i don't have access to my bank account online as i don't have internet banking,but i have my bank account attached to my pay pal account and this is why i insisted on paying you through pay pal" Kevin Hart is an oceanographer now?
not sure if serious 
He's never going to actually send you PayPal money. They'll send a fake PayPal email to you stating "the funds are in your account but wont be viewable/available until after you blah-blah", something like that. It usually looks like a legit email from PayPal, but its not.
I don't understand how people still even consider falling for these scams, they've been around for so long now
I got a similar e-mail when I was trying to sell my fridge. I knew right away it was a scam - and it stated in the listing that I couldn't take any Paypal payments. ******g **** suckers. ******g wasting my time.
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Wall of text with some long *** story in broken english?

Nah son.
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