1500 calories is EXTREME weight loss for an average person looking to lose stubborn fat, if you are a really big guy than I wouldn't recommend this.
Originally Posted by rafiki zeeki

go to Camp Hope...ask for Pat....tell em gerald garner sent ya...


I went from 242 down to 198... It took me almost a year, but I cut back on my food intake, every once in a while i would run up to wendys and enjoy some fattyfoods, but alot of water like most ppl said, and also I started lifting weights alot... also I went golfing atleast 2xs a week (had to walk since I playedcollege golf) and that burned a ton of calories.. since I started working at my office job I am now around 210.. I have not worked out in about 3 months.. (life happens somtimes) but I started back up again 2 days ago, and ive already lost 3 lbs (mostly water weight) but my goal is 185.! I bought a blender and imgoing to start replacing 2 meals a day with protein shakes, and fruit smoothies.... and cut down to about 1600-1800 calories a day.. and run run run..... hereis my #1 word of advice.... DONT GIVE UP... and dont expect to lose 30 lbs in a month.. It will take time.. but let it happen.. I gave myself 1 year to getwhere i wanted to and it worked.... so dont set your self up for failure by thinkning you will make your long term goals in a short time.....
Great post.

I have lost about 40 pounds since November. Adding muscle and dropping wait sizes. I went from a 38 to a 34.

DRINK TONS of WATER. I love water now. Its all i drink
Originally Posted by DublBagn

Originally Posted by ErickM713

Stop eating fast food,exercise but don't strain yourself,NO SODA candy etc. trust me after a while you get used to veggies and fruit.
I used to weigh 252 and after the summer of 2007 I dropped to 180 and now I'm 152!
I was a 42 waist line then after all that I'm a 34

nice work son...i am in the same boat, and have recently started to correct my eating habits.....6'2 256 38" waist, i am just getting tired of being called "big fella" by bums asking for change....

dont know if i want to go down to 152lbs, but most def 200 and i am good.......

Yeah I need to get my weight up so I'm warmin up wit push-ups and come summer I'm gonna start benchin again
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