I never knew that......

I remember the white 19 debacle. Jordan said they produce at ton and store didn't get any but had a BOAT load of those regional joints....................:smh:
I remember the white 19 debacle. Jordan said they produce at ton and store didn't get any but had a BOAT load of those regional joints....................:smh:
Was there a completely white pair? Or u talkin about those white and grey ones?
Kinda cool but The northern coordinate of the Great Pyramid at Giza is 29.9792° , and The speed of light in a vacuum is 299,792,458 m/s.
Human ingenuity. ...ramps and logs and alot of labor.
20 years is a looong time 2 build.

No aliens.
Human ingenuity. ...ramps and logs and alot of labor.
20 years is a looong time 2 build.

No aliens.
I agree. when you look at how massive they are people think they had alien help. but think how long 20-30 years is. I know they had zero technology but they did have unlimited slaves and workers who had no choice but to just work most likely 10-15 hours a day non stop. it is crazy though how much astrology comes into play with them though. isn't the North Star like lined up wit the point or something weird like that as well
Theres alot of weird coincidences about numbers and the pyramids.

Pretty interesting stuff.
Theres alot of weird coincidences about numbers and the pyramids.

Pretty interesting stuff.
exactly. I think that's where all the people get the alien thing from. I just think people now a days severely underestimate how smart people were at that time. just because they didn't have electronics and computers doesn't make them cavemen who didn't know anything about anything. ancient civilizations did so much more with so much less. people just assume they needed other life forms to help them. I just think that even though it was thousands of years ago there would still be some type of proof aliens were around.
yea thats what i was talkin about, them thangs sat forever around my way, not in my size but i remember a mr alans near my place had a decent amount of popular sizes for a whole year
Nah, I'm just curious on how it was done exactly.

went to Giza back in '97. All three structures are massive. Blocks are about the size a small car each.

tour bus guide was definitely pushing the 20 year theory.
Side note ::: there's a parking lot about 1500 feet away from the Sphinx. On the opposite of the parking lot.... was a KFC. Don't know if it's still there today though.

I never believed the 20 year theory - some guy on the tour bus came up with a rebuttal to the tour guide....

2.3 million blocks in the Great Pyramid
divide by 20 years =
115000 blocks placed per year

divide by 12 months in a year =
9580 blocks placed per month

divide by ~30 days a month =
~319 blocks placed per day

divide by 24 hours in a day =
~13 blocks placed every hour

which basically means the Egyptians had to place one block (2.5 to 15 tons each) every 5 minutes.
Plus make sure they're straight without mortar, plus carve out all the little pathways and compartments inside, plus build two other pyramids simultaneously, plus match everything to Orion's belt constellation...

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I don't believe aliens helped.
I don't buy the logs, ramps 20-30 year slave theory either.

I just think they were up on a knowledge that we know nothing about in this time.
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roswells crash sites latitude and longitude are the opposite of the mountain the "fallen angels" fell down from heaven... aka aliens
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