I never knew that......

I think that's new info, sheacredited with leading the Athenians over the Trojans it looks like, but she's no war god
Some facts about places

-Primary reason for Georgia's existence was to be a blockade/fort from Florida which was controlled by the Spanish at the time in case they wanted to attack the newly formed country.

-Argentina is a pretty white spanish country ethnicity wise. want to know why? well you know how America pretty much told the native americans "Oh we deserve this land because god told us its ours" aka Manifest Destiny aka however illogical it was a reason they killed them off and took the land. Well the spanish at the time went to South america's natives and said "We don't like you and don't want to be with you. Just to make sure we don't run into the chances of intermingling and mix cultures we're gonna kill you."

-Liberia the country was formed by black african-americans who followed the "back to Africa" movement. They left without knowing exactly where to go. They make land and founded Liberia. The name is derived from "liberated" from the being ex-slaves and their capital is named Monrovia based on James Monroe, one of the presidents that supported the back to africa movement and discover that it's harder to live in Africa and the settlers quickly start dying off. So what do they do? implored the same tactics Americans used to survive and they enslaved native africans to start building their country. They even had segregation themselves.

-Speaking of imploring the same tactics what Nazi germany did to the jews before and during the war of separating ghettos, destroying shops, and overall discrimination France did the same thing to Algerians in Algeria during the 60s.
My dad told me how proud most Argentinians R of their euro ancestry, it's cooler if you have Italian or German ancestry
My dad told me how proud most Argentinians R of their euro ancestry, it's cooler if you have Italian or German ancestry
its why Snooki could actually claim a guido lineage, despite being adopted from Argentina...something like 60-something % of the population trace their lineage to Italy
I knew about the Georgia and Liberia ones. Didn't know Argentina was primarily white but was well aware of the Spaniards conquests.

Just like how many African slaves weren't "captured" by Europeans to be brought to the Americas, they were actually sold by other African civilizations who enslaved them before.

Adding on to that:

-The first European colonization in America was by the Vikings in Newfoundland. It got too damn cold so they all went back to Greenland and Iceland and eventually died.

-St. Augustine was the first permenant European settlement in present day US. By the Spaniards in 1565.

-Jamestown was the first permenant English settlement in 1607, a colonist there named John Rolfe popularized smoking tobacco in Europe and married Pocahontas. The Jamestown civilization was close to ending because many of the upper-middle class citizens there weren't a fan of John Smith and his "you must work in order to eat" policy.

-America was named after Amerigo Vespucci instead of Colombus because he was the one who first determined that the new land was undiscovered.

-Nobody thought the world was flat in 1492. Nobody.

-Maryland was the first colony owned by a single person in America.

-New York used to be called New Netherland, NYC was New Amsterdam.

Can't think of anymore at the moment, just random colony trivia.
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I knew about the Georgia and Liberia ones. Didn't know Argentina was primarily white but was well aware of the Spaniards conquests.
Just like how many African slaves weren't "captured" by Europeans to be brought to the Americas, they were actually sold by other African civilizations who enslaved them before.

Adding on to that:
-The first European colonization in America was by the Vikings in Newfoundland. It got too damn cold so they all went back to Greenland and Iceland and eventually died.
-St. Augustine was the first permenant European settlement in present day US. By the Spaniards in 1565.
-Jamestown was the first permenant English settlement in 1607, a colonist there named John Rolfe popularized smoking tobacco in Europe and married Pocahontas. The Jamestown civilization was close to ending because many of the upper-middle class citizens there weren't a fan of John Smith and his "you must work in order to eat" policy.
-America was named after Amerigo Vespucci instead of Colombus because he was the one who first determined that the new land was undiscovered.
-Nobody thought the world was flat in 1492. Nobody.
-Maryland was the first colony owned by a single person in America.
-New York used to be called New Netherland, NYC was New Amsterdam.
Can't think of anymore at the moment, just random colony trivia.
That's all intro history stuff doe

And i see what yall tryna do by droppin those slave jabs
Some cool info on this page. Never knew about Georgia.

Argentina has the largest Jewish population in the western hemisphere outside of the US. During WWII a lot of Jewish people fled there.
Side note: Many Latin American peoples hate Argentinians, why?

Oh and whoever tried to place that bait about Africans selling other Africans is using a commonly misconstrued racial tactic. :smh:

During early slavery, the concept of race wasn't fully developed amongst Europeans, much less Africans. Those African slavers weren't enslaving and selling their own people. They were selling prisoners of war from different ethnic groups. They didn't speak the same language, look the same or share the same societal values.

So yes, Africans sold other Africans, but they didn't sell their own people and the concept of race was foreign to them so sharing the same skin color was of no consequence, they were selling the enemy.
yeah, exactly... Africans enslaved other Africans...

Never said they were their own people. That'd be silly. Just like all whites aren't the same. But Europeans weren't the ones who "captured" the original slaves. They bought them from stronger nations

These are high fives not prayer hands

Sent my auntie high fives when my uncle passed :smh:

I'm pretty sure that you were thinking of these, by the way :lol:


Why would an emoji have a ___ giving himself a high five?
that's what I'm not understanding

Its just two hands, what makes you assume its the same person??

went from people hands to Simpsons hands.
Some cool info on this page. Never knew about Georgia.

Argentina has the largest Jewish population in the western hemisphere outside of the US. During WWII a lot of Jewish people fled there.
Side note: Many Latin American peoples hate Argentinians, why?

Oh and whoever tried to place that bait about Africans selling other Africans is using a commonly misconstrued racial tactic.

During early slavery, the concept of race wasn't fully developed amongst Europeans, much less Africans. Those African slavers weren't enslaving and selling their own people. They were selling prisoners of war from different ethnic groups. They didn't speak the same language, look the same or share the same societal values.

So yes, Africans sold other Africans, but they didn't sell their own people and the concept of race was foreign to them so sharing the same skin color was of no consequence, they were selling the enemy.
my dad is dominican and for sure doesnt speak for most dominicans, hes much older than any dominicans youll meet today

that bein said, they alienate themselves and really dont want to mess with people who dont look white

but when it comes to latin america, i think mexicans are the most hated
my dad is dominican and for sure doesnt speak for most dominicans, hes much older than any dominicans youll meet today

that bein said, they alienate themselves and really dont want to mess with people who dont look white

but when it comes to latin america, i think mexicans are the most hated

Light skin ppl from Argentina most of them act elite when they in the same hoods as us Peruvians, Colombians,exuadorians etc :smh:

BTW Woodrow Wilson let the first movie screen in a Theater and it was about the kkk

Also first crime committed....Kane and Abel brothers that killed one another
I knew about the Georgia and Liberia ones. Didn't know Argentina was primarily white but was well aware of the Spaniards conquests.
Just like how many African slaves weren't "captured" by Europeans to be brought to the Americas, they were actually sold by other African civilizations who enslaved them before.

Adding on to that:
-The first European colonization in America was by the Vikings in Newfoundland. It got too damn cold so they all went back to Greenland and Iceland and eventually died.
-St. Augustine was the first permenant European settlement in present day US. By the Spaniards in 1565.
-Jamestown was the first permenant English settlement in 1607, a colonist there named John Rolfe popularized smoking tobacco in Europe and married Pocahontas. The Jamestown civilization was close to ending because many of the upper-middle class citizens there weren't a fan of John Smith and his "you must work in order to eat" policy.
-America was named after Amerigo Vespucci instead of Colombus because he was the one who first determined that the new land was undiscovered.
-Nobody thought the world was flat in 1492. Nobody.
-Maryland was the first colony owned by a single person in America.
-New York used to be called New Netherland, NYC was New Amsterdam.
Can't think of anymore at the moment, just random colony trivia.
That's all intro history stuff doe

And i see what yall tryna do by droppin those slave jabs
natives also had it worse really
Light skin ppl from Argentina most of them act elite when they in the same hoods as us Peruvians, Colombians,exuadorians etc

Yup. and they are proud of their ancestry especially if they are from Italian or German descent as mentioned. At the end of WW2 Argentina was the primary country a lot of Nazis escaped to because they were sympathetic towards Nazis. Example of this is in the movie X-Men first Class where magneto goes Nazi hunting and takes him there. Fictional movie but you get the jist.

Iceland and Greenland got their names when Vikings discovered it. They thought that one of the lands was so great and fertile that they decided to trick the world by calling it Iceland and the other terribly cold place Greenland. When your trying to find a place to live and start over why the hell would you go to a place called Iceland?

Humans, Whales, and Elephants are the only animals that go through menopause. There's a fat joke in there somewhere you can find

Alcatraz was the only american prison to give warm showers. They did this so the prisoners wouldn't get used to the cold water in case they tried to escape into the SF bay

Bonn, Germany (Where I am currently now on a study abroad) was the capital of West Germany when they were split. This city isn't the best or the coolest and there are plenty of other great cities in the West that could've been the capital. It's just at the time of the split the first chancellor of West Germany, Konrad Adenauer, grew up in Bonn and he decided the capital should be there. I've been told that its not big enough and doesn't deserve a subway line but only got it because it was the capital

Lawsuit SETTLEMENT proposal: Families of #Newtown victims would SPLIT $1.5M


the state pay these settlemesnts? 

-Delta Airlines now bans the shipment of large animal trophies. Mainly, lions, leopards, elephants, rhinos & buffalo.
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my dad is dominican and for sure doesnt speak for most dominicans, hes much older than any dominicans youll meet today

that bein said, they alienate themselves and really dont want to mess with people who dont look white

but when it comes to latin america, i think mexicans are the most hated
but dude got a tyra banks poster over his right shoulder............
I dated a dark skinned Dominican woman in college, her family treated her like a step child because they were all of a fairer complexion. She wouldn't go home for holidays or nothing, and come visit my fam. First time my mom let me have a female overnight guest once I told moms about what she had to deal with at home.
Yup. and they are proud of their ancestry especially if they are from Italian or German descent as mentioned. At the end of WW2 Argentina was the primary country a lot of Nazis escaped to because they were sympathetic towards Nazis. Example of this is in the movie X-Men first Class where magneto goes Nazi hunting and takes him there. Fictional movie but you get the jist.


Iceland and Greenland got their names when Vikings discovered it. They thought that one of the lands was so great and fertile that they decided to trick the world by calling it Iceland and the other terribly cold place Greenland. When your trying to find a place to live and start over why the hell would you go to a place called Iceland?

Humans, Whales, and Elephants are the only animals that go through menopause. There's a fat joke in there somewhere you can find:lol:

Alcatraz was the only american prison to give warm showers. They did this so the prisoners wouldn't get used to the cold water in case they tried to escape into the SF bay

Bonn, Germany (Where I am currently now on a study abroad) was the capital of West Germany when they were split. This city isn't the best or the coolest and there are plenty of other great cities in the West that could've been the capital. It's just at the time of the split the first chancellor of West Germany, Konrad Adenauer, grew up in Bonn and he decided the capital should be there. I've been told that its not big enough and doesn't deserve a subway line but only got it because it was the capital

weren't nazi war criminals located to south american in exchange for information on data and technology by the US ? i remember reading that somewhere also some nazi war criminals were even allowed onto US soil for the same reasons. it was a trap because a lot of them were caught by the israeli cia and extradited to israel and put on trial where almost all of them received capitol punishment.
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Yeah some nazi/german scientists were allowed refuge in both south america and the US. They made the highest and closest ones to Hitler an example by setting them to trial on crimes against humanity (The Nuremberg Trials) But usually scientists aren't the real bad guys and they get forced into research. Which brings up the next point. War is good for economies and technologies. You want to try to always be ahead of the opponent so you develop newer weapons. During WW2 Germany made the V2 rocket. Deadliest guided missile at the time that can be launched from the ground cross the boundary into space (1st in history) and destroy with no harm coming from the attacker.

After WW2 America had another threat coming its way from the Soviet Union. The cold war happens. America decides to take the german scientists to help with offensive missiles at the ready again the USSR and also help America with the Space Race. Operation paperclip https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip

TL;DR America kept the important nazis around for their benefit after the war and gave away the rest of them to Israelis and others to make them happy

most common first name is Mohammed

most common last name is Lee
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Yeah some nazi/german scientists were allowed refuge in both south america and the US. They made the highest and closest ones to Hitler an example by setting them to trial on crimes against humanity (The Nuremberg Trials) But usually scientists aren't the real bad guys and they get forced into research. Which brings up the next point. War is good for economies and technologies. You want to try to always be ahead of the opponent so you develop newer weapons. During WW2 Germany made the V2 rocket. Deadliest guided missile at the time that can be launched from the ground cross the boundary into space (1st in history) and destroy with no harm coming from the attacker.

After WW2 America had another threat coming its way from the Soviet Union. The cold war happens. America decides to take the german scientists to help with offensive missiles at the ready again the USSR and also help America with the Space Race. Operation paperclip https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip

TL;DR America kept the important nazis around for their benefit after the war and gave away the rest of them to Israelis and others to make them happy

most common first name is Mohammed

most common last name is Lee
The Americans and the Soviets actually split the Nazi scientists.

It was kind of a race because both of them converged on Berlin around the same time period.

The scientists who invented the Hydrogen bomb and many nuclear weapons were also former Nazi scientists.

Fun Fact: Hitler could've won WWII EASILY if he had listened to his scientists. They had nuclear blueprints developed in 1943 (two years before Fat man and Little Boy were dropped on Japan) but he was actually more focused on creating "half gorilla half human super soldiers who would kill without regret" and decided that atomic weapons were a waste of funds.
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