I think Black Entertainment Television is trying to offer me a job. Vol. Help NT Brothers & Sisters

Even though I despise BET, I'm glad they are giving you a look OP. Good luck!
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Julissa gonna need a vacuum to get all my babies up out her. 
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by MonStar1

You wanna work for the most evil network?
Free cloths, Getting Jay/Nikes Ahead of time, Good Money, being on TV, might get a acting career, Meet celebs DAILY and ALL THE YAMBS YOU CAN STICK YOUR FORK IN.
I can not see a reason not too. 

Don't be fooled this guy would jump at that oppurtunity, he is just jealous and trying to keep you down...
Congrats on the opportunity.
Now on to the questions that you asked...

Won't get to in depth because they do want to know YOU... but I would say that hip hop is so much more than music... It's how you dress, your mannerisms, your slang, etc... It's a lifestyle. Is that cliche?

Good luck and don't go the Terrance j route and make out with the likes of khloe kardashian on camera... Smh
To the question regarding what are the most significant contributions hip hop has made...discuss philanthropy
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