I think i been frauded by marquee sole.

Little things like this is why I love NT
Originally Posted by justforkickz

Wow, that's pretty deep,

dude is legit though. Maybe it got lost in the mail? Regardless Marquee Sole should respond though

how did it get lost in the mail if the post office never got it?
Originally Posted by justforkickz

Wow, that's pretty deep,

dude is legit though. Maybe it got lost in the mail? Regardless Marquee Sole should respond though

how did it get lost in the mail if the post office never got it?
Originally Posted by CtsFinest82

I order a pair of sneakers from them May 20th, got the tracking number from them but it doesnt work. I sent them 3 different emails and still havent got a respone. I then sent a email to the hong kong post office with the tracking number that i was sent and they tell me that they have no record of that number in their system...SMDH

You sure you gave the post office the right tracking number?  Or maybe marquee sole gave YOU the wrong tracking number by mistake. Print out a copy of the order reciept along with the tracking # they provided you with, mail it to their address tell them to check the tracking number on the USPS website  and explain to them the tracking number ain't working and you have not recieved the sneakers. THen wait & see if they mail you back a response....
Originally Posted by CtsFinest82

I order a pair of sneakers from them May 20th, got the tracking number from them but it doesnt work. I sent them 3 different emails and still havent got a respone. I then sent a email to the hong kong post office with the tracking number that i was sent and they tell me that they have no record of that number in their system...SMDH

You sure you gave the post office the right tracking number?  Or maybe marquee sole gave YOU the wrong tracking number by mistake. Print out a copy of the order reciept along with the tracking # they provided you with, mail it to their address tell them to check the tracking number on the USPS website  and explain to them the tracking number ain't working and you have not recieved the sneakers. THen wait & see if they mail you back a response....
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