I think I hate my roommate vol. rant

Jul 27, 2008
we live in the smallest of rooms and dude is always
-expressing himself out loud 

(clapping his hands when something good happens, talking to himself while playing poker online, yelling at football games while no ones around, etc.)


(when im doing exercises, trying to one up me while I just 

-sleeps all day 


anyone else "dislike" their roommate?
you sound like a little girl. the stuff my roommate used to do freshman year makes yours look like a saint.
My roommates are cool but naturally they'll be stuff you don't like about 'em.

Like this weekend has been chaos cause my roommate doesn't realize when to take the L and let a girl he just met leave.

Got us Tip-toe'n round the living room all weekend cause we don't wanna be rude.

My other roommates are just corns. Whenever we go out they OD takin pictures like "Zomg this is SUCH a college moment, LULZ"

It's cool for the most part but I've gotten invites from girls where they tell me not to bring them....
lol sounds like your roomate would be easier to live with than u if that stupid shh bothers you
lol sounds like your roomate would be easier to live with than u if that stupid shh bothers you
I dont like when people are loud for no reason. Many times have I woken up because someone has decided to have a phone conversation outside my bedroom door and theyre shouting like, "I KNOW! THATS WHAT I TOLD HER GIRL! OH NO, SHE IS MISTAKEN....!"

Is that really necessary? Couldnt you go... idk... ANYWHERE else?
My roommate takes a leak with the bathroom door open..

$%^& ticks me off on another level.
haaa stringfellow thats them UCF roommates for ya. Didn't like my freshman yr roommate when we lived together now we best buds. Lived with a friend last year who never cleaned, just sat around annoying as hell. I moved out of there as soon as lease was up. Living alone ftw.
I'm in college and sharing an apartment with 3 dudes. It hasn't been a month, and I'm already sick of them. I've come to the conclusion that either I'm just easily irritated or it is near impossible to find a good roommate (I hated the roommates I dormed with last year, but now that I don't live with them, I find that they're cool people).
Originally Posted by UbUiBeMe

My roommate takes a leak with the bathroom door open..

$%^& ticks me off on another level.

You sound easily irritated bro.Taking a leak with the bathroom door open? lmao i dont c the big deal
eh those are not that bad and the roommate using the bathroom, tell him to close the door.
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