I Think I Have A Problem

the heck!?
if you're serious as your username says it does, you might need to seek some help, fam.

i don't think it's normal. it's one thing to fantasize about other people having sex, but invisible partners and animals. yeah, get help, bro.
Originally Posted by MissinPieces

First, gouge your eyes out , then.....




Problem Solved

Do the same thing happen when you look at children?
This had me rolling!

Somebody call Chris Hansen on this dude!
Sometimes when I walk through the mall and spot a good looking broad, I always picture them toppin' me.. nastily too.
Real talk OP,how large is that porn file....dude bored with on screen people and venturing into seeing Casper smash
Originally Posted by JayHood23

As for me when I see an attractive woman I picture me and her having sex and if I'm doing an interview with a woman or am alone with one I hope that they try to seduce me, especially older women
Me too, for some reason I always think its gonna happen to.
If u find it erotic and it turns you on, it might be a fetish you have
Google dragons having sex with cars. That might shed some light on some things
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