Originally Posted by JStunn197

1. You didn't take an L.

2. People suck.

3. This didn't happen because you work at a pizza place or because you didn't do your job well. This happens in every retail establishment in every city every minute of everyday. Why? Read point number 2.

4. You should look for another job... not because you got yelled at, but because your manager and DM are #$%%$.

5. Be happy you're not a broke piece of !%%+ that needs to yell and complain about $1.59.

6. Remember this the next time the girl at the bank is going to slow, or the next time you're in the Gap and they won't give you the sale price, or the kid at McDonalds is charging you $.25 for an extra ketchup, or any other time you've got upset with someone who was just following policy/procedure at their job.

7. Read point 2 again.
man, it's not even just limited to retail... it's anytime one has interaction with the public. i stay having some lowlife broads come into my office, calling me names & degrading me because i won't allow them to register for classes late. i even had one say something along the lines of "i'm not gonna let a white girl talk to me like that".. ignorant fools going to college FTL.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Originally Posted by 1focusedfemale

So i work at a pizza place

Yeah you took an L

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

"i'm not gonna let a white girl talk to me like that".. ignorant fools going to college FTL.

why do people like this make an effort to leave their neighborhood?
You work in customer service, if you would have "lost it", you would have lost it. Your co-workers must be a bunch of high schoolers, if they're calling you a punk for not losing your job. Pretty weak IMO.

- As soon as that 
got out-of-pocket you should have hit her with the
and retrieved the manager slave...you stated that the district manager was on location, so the manager would have had the PERFECT opportunity to shuck-and-jive in front of the DM in an attempt to make a good impression, all the while demonstrating how to handle unruly customers for the pawns.

-  I understand that you value simply being employed especially considering the pathetic job market.  However, you are a human male with pride and dignity.  You are not at work to be yelled at like a peon by selfish, greedy, ***#@!%**
customer slobs.  That is unacceptable under any circumstances, particularly when you are making minimum wage and additionally forced to endure a horrific work environment, often involving encounters with morbidly obese degenerates.

- Don't tolerate nonsense.  You can practice solid customer service techniques without allowing the customer to
on your face while you don a pretend smile

- P.S.

JStunn197 wrote:
People suck.

Originally Posted by JStunn197

1. You didn't take an L.

2. People suck.

3. This didn't happen because you work at a pizza place or because you didn't do your job well. This happens in every retail establishment in every city every minute of everyday. Why? Read point number 2.

4. You should look for another job... not because you got yelled at, but because your manager and DM are #$%%$.

5. Be happy you're not a broke piece of !%%+ that needs to yell and complain about $1.59.

6. Remember this the next time the girl at the bank is going to slow, or the next time you're in the Gap and they won't give you the sale price, or the kid at McDonalds is charging you $.25 for an extra ketchup, or any other time you've got upset with someone who was just following policy/procedure at their job.

7. Read point 2 again.
I can only re-iterate this whole post further.. good read.
I used to work in retail and I understand how you feel. Two points I can add..

1. Ask the customer, not in a rude way.. "what would you like me to do to fix it?" - This usually diffuses the situation and they start to think about what they ACTUALLY want, instead of harassing you.

2. As a lower level employee, remember you can always pass the buck. Managers get paid higher to deal with these situations. So just say something like "i'm not really in a position to help rectify this, but let me get my manager and they might be able to sort it out for you."

3. Like I said, you're not getting paid to take abuse, you get paid to provide customer service. Managers get paid more, so let them deal with it, because they are the ones that have the power to actually fix the problem. 
You didn't take an L... you did what you had to do.

A lot of people saying you should have went off probably still mooch off their parents somewhat or they're comfortable financially so they don't care if they lose the job or not.

I'm guessing you're independent and have priorities to take care of so you did what you had to do.

When I was young I used to work at Red Lobster in Queens... the MF'ing worst bunch of cheap crackheads I had to deal with is not even funny... made what you went through yesterday seem like a cake walk.

Hold your head and keep on going. Not the last time it will happen though, but you have to learn to deal with certain types of individuals if you plan to work in a professional environment believe that. The suits up in those offices respect the hell out of you if you know how to handle situations like the one you posted.

Someone once told me "if you stress about every person in this world that talks sh--, then you're going to be stressed out for the rest of your life because that's all people do... is talk sh--" kind of stuck with me as I got a little older because when I was young I was a hothead ready to jump down the throat of the first MF'er that rubbed me the wrong way. I had the baddest B around my way and I used to get pissed when dudes would drive by and talk mess and try to holler out there car, and I was ready to fight whoever and that wasn't cool because I seen that my girl didn't like it... and when/if I get locked up what can I do from inside the can. I've since calmed down and we're still together 8 years later.
just now NT
I make a thread about trying to help out ppl with health problems and funding a program for people in dialysis and get like 2 replies
and some chick comes here and posts about getting yelled at in a PIZZA SHOP and it's 4 pages?
I give you guys too much credit
Originally Posted by MaZA4eVeR14

the professional side of me says you did the right thing.

the otherside of me says you shoulda beat her on the head with a salami.
you would have got nothing out of resorting to stupidity except losing a job so nothing to be mad about.
tell me why its almost ALWAYS women who throw these childish temper tantrums at employees?
starzinoureyes wrote:
JStunn197 wrote:
1. You didn't take an L.

2. People suck.

3. This didn't happen because you work at a pizza place or because you didn't do your job well. This happens in every retail establishment in every city every minute of everyday. Why? Read point number 2.

4. You should look for another job... not because you got yelled at, but because your manager and DM are #$%%$.

5. Be happy you're not a broke piece of !%%+ that needs to yell and complain about $1.59.

6. Remember this the next time the girl at the bank is going to slow, or the next time you're in the Gap and they won't give you the sale price, or the kid at McDonalds is charging you $.25 for an extra ketchup, or any other time you've got upset with someone who was just following policy/procedure at their job.

7. Read point 2 again.
man, it's not even just limited to retail... it's anytime one has interaction with the public. i stay having some lowlife broads come into my office, calling me names & degrading me because i won't allow them to register for classes late. i even had one say something along the lines of "i'm not gonna let a white girl talk to me like that".. ignorant fools going to college FTL.
It's 2010 and people are still that damn ignorant...

Anyways OP you did the right thing, at least you still have your job.
You did the right thing. She obviously has some issues for causing that whole scene for an extra $1.58 or whatever it was. But if i see her on the streets, she better watch her back.
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