I think UPS stole my package...

Nov 29, 2010
So my friend shipped a package to me through ups. I got it, opened the box, and it was upside down which seemed odd. I picked it up and I see there was a hole cut open 

Looks to be a straight cut, perhaps a box cutter to see the inside, and then they saw what it was and just ripped it open.
I look inside the box and see what appears to be a switch-a-roo
They took my camera and replaced it with dead weight to go through the shipping facility

They were nice enough to leave the white camera baggy and the battery packaging

Is there anything I can do? It wasn't insured(Mistake? Of course it was), but even if it was, isn't the only thing it is covered under is if it is lost or damaged? Their task is to only get it from point A to point B isn't it?

I am so sorry that happened to you. Whatever way you voice the problem, keep record of it, incase it get's out of hand.
Originally Posted by DjMystery2003

no insurance they will only pay back X amount of dollars and it wont be any where near enough.

youre covered up to $150
What did the shipping box have on it? I'm seeing more and more companies using random names or generic terms on the label..
Originally Posted by FourReal

Originally Posted by JordanXI45

whats that on your wrist OP

Those anal beads son?

and its brown
Yes, they're anal beads

As I was saying though, would insurance really have made a difference anyways? They only cover if it's lost or damaged. And they don't even cover the full amount of what the item is worth
Aye, I was talking to this dude in my english class who works for FedEx and he said that he's seen some people go through packages and take whatever they want.

I know it's FedEx, but I wouldn't be surprised if some workers at UPS rolled the same way.

so it was either your friend who did you dirty, or some worker took your +@*#.

Either way, lose lose because you were uninsured bro.
UPS/FedEx employees been doing this for years. That's why you triple, quadruple wrap whatever you mail. Hard to trust these companies these days. And you should have also video taped you opening when you first received it so they can't say you "doctored" the package.
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