I think we over vilified Strippers

Jan 9, 2010
So I was jamming some juve they great while writing an article on the Jordan XX8 and I was like you know what strippers really arent bad .So I peeped the video for Rodeo (One of the better stories told in hip hop) . I was like man we kinda demonized strippers in attempt to shame them we dehumanized them even further. Hey its living cant really eem knock it.

Also song in question
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How do we "over vilify" strippers.... when the music industry has made stripping mainstream??
How do we "over vilify" strippers.... when the music industry has made stripping mainstream??
NO kinda stigma being a stripper anymore.

few chick on my FB strip..blatantly posting pics of their tip money talkin bout "workinnnnnnnn <3 <3<3"

and everyone's on some "go get dat MONEYYYYY!!!! #hustlin" $$$$$

I always find it funny how women and men talk down on strippers/porn stars, and it's the regular ******* w/ office jobs that post more provocative pictures on twitter/instagram. always found that funny.
its not us its the "music"... and everyone follows what they do or say so yeah

While I do think that strip clubs and more importantly spending money at the strip club are looked down upon....I still say we still look down at strippers just because it gives us an advantage overall as men entering an area with naked chicks.

We don't need to promote professions or people in professions where the only thing they bring is their booty and their ****.

we go in their with some money, we have a good time, if the girls are down then they're alright but if not I reserve the right to tell a stripper that she'll never be nathan in life.

The moment we uplift strippers is like telling these girls their the same as women with some type of dignity and self-respect.

I say we take all the women with daddy issues and make them work it off on some poles....can I get an AMEN!
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I just can't really get into it when I go to strip clubs. Usually I'm like :x
I think it started with other women. Women vilified strippers through their own insecurities and jealousy , not to mention, having there husbands and boyfriends beasting and wasting money that they feel like could have been spent on them. Once women got upset about ol simp *** society followed along, but as you know, society = people, people = stupid.

Its not nearly as bad as it used to be. Most women nowadays want to be strippers but don't have the assets and/or the nuts to actually do it, word to Pole Dancing workouts.
No matter what, selling your body like that isn't something one should do.

Waitress or something, hustle, but don't throw away your morals and dignity
Stripping =/=(ideally) Prostitution.

How is having men revere you and throw money at you throwing away your dignity? Under that reasoning models are "throwing away their dignity.
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I think it started with other women. Women vilified strippers through their own insecurities and jealousy , not to mention, having there husbands and boyfriends beasting and wasting money that they feel like could have been spent on them. Once women got upset about ol simp *** society followed along, but as you know, society = people, people = stupid.
Its not nearly as bad as it used to be. Most women nowadays want to be strippers but don't have the assets and/or the nuts to actually do it, word to Pole Dancing workouts.

False. These standards on how women should act come from men so if anything men said what was acceptable and women ran with it to have a leg up on other women.

I always find it funny how women and men talk down on strippers/porn stars, and it's the regular ******* w/ office jobs that post more provocative pictures on twitter/instagram. always found that funny.

Cuz strippers post pics in their jeans and t-shirts right? :lol:

Twitter and IG have been around for what 3-4 years? Don't let whats happening now confuse you. This posting your *** on the internet for attention is new and just started in our generation. Stripping/porn has been taboo much longer.

I have no problems with strippers or going to the strip club but lets not act like theyre just like every other woman that doesnt strip. I don't doubt they're great people on the inside but it takes a lot to get in front of strangers every night as sell yourself like they do. Whether its about money or some self-esteem daddy issue its not "normal". There is a better word than normal but I can't think of it right now.

And we don't all wish deep down inside to be a stripper either. yeah it seems cool to be able to be super sexy like that and get paid crazy for it thats just lip service and not some dream we're afraid to live out. Clappin in the room w/your girls is not the same as doing it on stage every night.
Stripping =/=(ideally) Prostitution.
How is having men revere you and throw money at you throwing away your dignity? Under that reasoning models are "throwing away their dignity.
fashion models aren't...but "video models" yeah...what dignity? :lol:
idc idc idc. get a skill and get a real job where you don't have to get naked.
Quiet as its kept these fashion models get it on the same way they just run in a circle where they keep it discrete to protect images and brands.

Strippers and video models run in a circle where at this point it seems they damn near fuel the music.

gettin shout outs in songs and **** :lol:
We "vilify" a lot "professions".

Dont act like if your daughter comes home and says she wants to be a stripper you wouldnt feel some type of way.
I think it started with other women. Women vilified strippers through their own insecurities and jealousy , not to mention, having there husbands and boyfriends beasting and wasting money that they feel like could have been spent on them. Once women got upset about ol simp *** society followed along, but as you know, society = people, people = stupid.
Its not nearly as bad as it used to be. Most women nowadays want to be strippers but don't have the assets and/or the nuts to actually do it, word to Pole Dancing workouts.

False. These standards on how women should act come from men so if anything men said what was acceptable and women ran with it to have a leg up on other women.

I have to disagree. It only looks like men set these standards because men are assumed to be the one in power. Women said what was acceptable through their men, s/o Barbra Bush. We all know what muscle makes the world go round and we all know men are going to tell women what they want to hear. If hubby said something wifey didn't agree with, hes going to get that cold should come bed time, especially about other women.

If men were against it in any way, fashion or form it wouldn't be half the industry that it is.
What the hell?!

Ninja's post came out of nowhere. I swear it wasn't there last time I posted.
I'm not saying men are against strippers. Just against THEIR women being strippers. Thats the standard we rock with. Who you will "wife"

You and I both now ya'll will have sex with just about any type of woman even if they don't meet your standards in a partner. Thats the stripper. You'll go see her, **** with her, chill with her but for the most part your average man isn't willing to walk around w/her on his arm and introduce her to your mom.

I know someone will say "at least they get paid to ***" or "regular chicks do worse and we just don't know strippers are just up front" but lets be real. Ignorance is bliss and most men would prefer to not know your past then walk around with woman their boy can go watch on stage any day of the week.
i know a few, they're cool. no they don't suck d on the side, but they know ones who do.
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