I think we should start a petition..

Apr 29, 2009
I'm tired of not being able to purchase a pair of shoes that Ive been anticipating because of a bunch of money hungry resellers camping out two weeks in advance, If Nike manufactures enough shoes to go around this wouldn't be a problem and people wouldn't be getting killed for a pair of ******g shoes. Even retail stores are selling up to triple the price because of what resellers are doing. its disgusting. I truly believe if someone smart enough starts a petition and enough people sign it Nike will realize that they can double their profits. Come on NT we gotta make this **** happen. I KNOW that if every person in the enjoys shoes like we do Nike WILL do something about it
They would risk watering down their brand. I don't think it's a good idea and I'm in the same boat you and all of us are in. Just got a good business move from nike.
I understand your frustration, but NIKE is loving this. Every brand wants their product to be in high demand, and Nike is doing just that.

Im sure they've heard all the complaints in the world, but they wont change a thing.
They are making more and more pairs as popularity grows. There were tons of Olympic 6s, DTII's, etc but now that the our hobby is cool there is a whole lot more people going out to get the shoes to either 'be cool' or to make a quick buck. As popularity wavers it will become more apparent how many pairs Nike/JB is making and then less pairs will be made as to keep the illusion of demand for their product.

Just my 2 cents....
@TonyMontana just wait 30 days for the fake people to return em.K eep an eye on your local Nike Store's twitter Theres ways to cop...you just have to put in more work nowadays.

Also what is with all these people whining bout I didn't get this or that? Need to realize that your not going to get every shoe.
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