I Thought This Only Happened in Movies...vol. Oops I'm Pregnant

Sep 24, 2002
So I get a text from my friend at 5 am this morning  saying, "Debo (his girlfriend Deborah) was having really bad pain yesterday so we went to the hospital...now I'm a daddy!" including pics of his daughter. Long story short, his GF was 32 weeks pregnant and didn't even know it, went to the hospital for stomach pains and gave birth to a baby girl.

1) How the hell do you not notice you're pregnant? Aren't there a variety of symptoms that would clue you in? Such as the lack of a period?

2) How fat is his GF at this point (haven't seen either of them in a couple years) that you don't even notice that you're pregnant?
Originally Posted by nycsemaj

I think the girl knew all along haha

I mean, I would say that if I were an outsider. But these two have been together for like 7 years and already live together and plan on getting married. She makes more money than him and he gets more out of her than she does out of him, so it's not like she was trying to trap him or anything. He was happy to find out he had a daughter, and she really would have no reason for not telling him and they've not been using BC for years so it's not like he was worried about getting her pregnant.
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

Originally Posted by nycsemaj

I think the girl knew all along haha

I mean, I would say that if I were an outsider. But these two have been together for like 7 years and already live together and plan on getting married. She makes more money than him and he gets more out of her than she does out of him, so it's not like she was trying to trap him or anything. He was happy to find out he had a daughter, and she really would have no reason for not telling him and they've not been using BC for years so it's not like he was worried about getting her pregnant.
That's how she didn't know. When ur girl on BC, the last thing u think about is her bein pregnant b/c u don't think it's possible due to the small % of chance. They probably waved off any signs of her bein pregnant

Her: "Baby I been throwin up a lot lately"
Him: "U aight, u eat anything unusual?"
Her: "I did try this pie in the vending machine at work a few days ago"
Him: "Yea, that must've done it, can't trust vending machine desserts"
Her: "Yea, u're right, never gon try that again"
Something doesn't seem right. I call ducktales. OP, I believe you, but there's no way in hell she or he didn't know/notice.
There's a show about women who give birth and didn't know they were pregnant

[table][tr][td][h1]Surprise Pregnancy: How Could You Not Know?!?[/h1][/td][/tr][/table]

We've all heard stories about women who didn't know they were carrying a child until very late in the pregnancy...or even until labor kicks in. But how could this be? Besides the obvious reason (denial!), there are a number of factors that can contribute to the "surprise pregnancy" phenomenon:

10. Fetus is small, inactive, and/or carried toward the back of the womb.

Believe it or not, sometimes babies just don't make a lot of commotion in utero. In addition, some women's babies rest naturally toward the back of the womb, so that motion and kicking aren't easily detected from outside the mother's body. Many women believe that fetal movements are just irregular or strong digestive activity!

9. Recent previous childbirth.
Many women continue to believe that they cannot get pregnant right after giving birth, or while they are breastfeeding. Additionally, menstrual cycles can be irregular, and women can continue to bleed vaginally for several weeks after childbirth. The truth is, some women ovulate - and can become pregnant - within the very first days after giving birth!

8. Dieting.
Women who are very active and watch their weight religiously may crank up their fitness routine and/or begin dieting when they notice a weight gain. Because of this, they may not gain weight as their pregnancy progresses.

7. Stress.
Stressful jobs, family, and personal lives contribute to irregular periods, and may cause women not to pay attention to their menstrual cycle, or to chalk up missing periods to stress.

6. Fetus is mistaken for a tumor or cyst.
In some cases, particularly when a woman has a history of endometriosis, fibroid cysts, or other tumors of the reproductive system, a fetus can be mistaken for a new or recurring tumor.

5. Obesity.
Carrying a lot of excess weight can perfectly disguise the "baby bump." Depending on how a woman's body deposits fat, she may have looked "a little bit pregnant" in the past, and neither she nor others notice the extra bulk of a fetus.

4. Inaccurate use of birth control.
Many women are certain they could not be pregnant because they use birth control. However, all birth control methods have a failure rate, and the chance of pregnancy goes up exponentially if birth control methods are not used exactly as indicated: missing pills, expired condoms, and similar problems can result in surprise pregnancies in women who are sure they are in the clear.

3. Breakthrough bleeding.
Some women continue to have period-like bleeding throughout their pregnancy; it may be lighter or irregular, or even coincide with a woman's usual "time of the month." These pseudo-periods can be enough to convince a woman that she's not pregnant.

2. Negative home pregnancy test.
Home pregnancy tests aren't fool-proof. Whether taken or read incorrectly, or simply giving a false reading, once a woman has tested negative for pregnancy at home, she may simply rule it out.

1. History of irregular cycles and/or infertility.
Not being able to get pregnant in the past, a history of missing or irregular periods, and/or being close to menopause can all fool a woman into thinking she couldn't be pregnant. The truth is, unless a method of birth control is used every time a woman has sex, she can get pregnant!
Originally Posted by sStutter

Something doesn't seem right. I call ducktales. OP, I believe you, but there's no way in hell she or he didn't know/notice.

That's what I said. I mean, his girl was a little chunky last time I saw her but not to the point where I would think she wouldn't notice being pregnant.
happened to my former boss...she had JUST had a baby 11 months earlier and was already overweight...she complained about pains and went to the hospital and a few hours later said she'll be out on maternity leave because she just had a baby...
Originally Posted by djaward

Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

So I get a text from my friend at 5 am this morning 
Reads this,
Checks OP screen name
Calls Ducktales. 

Didn't even notice that. I made this SN in 02, it's stupid and I wish I could change it. If we ever get off this yuku garbage I'm going to try and change it.
Ive met So many People Nicknamed "Debo" and Never were they 'skinny'..ever. So Im sure she thought it was just weight.. But i think she knew all along
That's crazy. It's possible tho. There's a whole damn series about on discovery health.
If a girl is on Birth Control, it's possible that she didn't know she was pregnant.

As women, sometimes we are late, and if we're on BC, we may not have a period at all.

It can happen, if a girl works out a lot, weird symptoms, but one may just think it's the BC.
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